KiiCloudStorageSDK : KiiCorp.Cloud.Storage Namespace

DirectPushMessage Class

"Direct Push" notifications allows you to push messages directly to a specific user. The feature is intended to be used by an app developer only. An app developer can select any application user and directly push a message to this user via the developer portal.


public class DirectPushMessage : ReceivedMessage



Namespace: KiiCorp.Cloud.Storage
Assembly: KiiCloudStorageSDK (in KiiCloudStorageSDK.dll)
Assembly Versions:


See Also: Inherited members from ReceivedMessage.

Public Properties

ActionIdentifier string . Return the action identifier given by APNS plugin callback. Always null for GCM push. (Inherited from ReceivedMessage.)
ObjectScope Nullable<ReceivedMessage.Scope> . Return the scope of the object to which the event is occurred. (Inherited from ReceivedMessage.)
PushMessageType ReceivedMessage.MessageType . Return the push message type.
PushMessageType ReceivedMessage.MessageType . Return the push message type. (Inherited from ReceivedMessage.)
Sender KiiUser . Return null. Sender is always application admin.
Sender KiiUser . Return the user who causes the notification. (Inherited from ReceivedMessage.)

Public Methods

GetBoolean (string) : bool
Returns the value associated with the given key, or false if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key. (Inherited from ReceivedMessage.)
GetDouble (string) : double
Returns the value associated with the given key, or 0 if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key. (Inherited from ReceivedMessage.)
GetInt (string) : int
Returns the value associated with the given key, or 0 if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key. (Inherited from ReceivedMessage.)
GetLong (string) : long
Returns the value associated with the given key, or 0 if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key. (Inherited from ReceivedMessage.)
GetString (string) : string
Returns the value associated with the given key, or null if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key or a null value is explicitly associated with the key. (Inherited from ReceivedMessage.)
Has (string) : bool
Returns true if this object has a mapping for given key. (Inherited from ReceivedMessage.)
ToJson () : JsonOrg.JsonObject
Get JSONObjcet representation of this message. (Inherited from ReceivedMessage.)

Member Details

PushMessageType Property

Return the push message type.


public override ReceivedMessage.MessageType PushMessageType { get; }


The type of the push message.



Namespace: KiiCorp.Cloud.Storage
Assembly: KiiCloudStorageSDK (in KiiCloudStorageSDK.dll)
Assembly Versions:

Sender Property

Return null. Sender is always application admin.


public override KiiUser Sender { get; }


The sender.



Namespace: KiiCorp.Cloud.Storage
Assembly: KiiCloudStorageSDK (in KiiCloudStorageSDK.dll)
Assembly Versions: