KiiUser Class Reference
Inherits from | NSObject |
Conforms to | KiiThingOwner |
Declared in | KiiUser.h |
Contains user profile/account information and methods
The user class allows an application to generate a user, register them with the server and log them in during subsequent sessions. Since KiiUser is similar to KiiObject, the application can also set key/value pairs to this user.
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+ userWithUsername:andPassword:
+ userWithPhoneNumber:andPassword:
+ userWithEmailAddress:andPassword:
+ userWithUsername:andPhoneNumber:andPassword:
+ userWithUsername:andEmailAddress:andPassword:
+ userWithEmailAddress:andPhoneNumber:andPassword:
+ userWithUsername:andEmailAddress:andPhoneNumber:andPassword:
+ userWithURI:
+ userWithID:
+ authenticateWithLocalPhoneNumber:andPassword:andCountryCode:andBlock:
+ authenticateWithLocalPhoneNumberSynchronous:andPassword:andCountryCode:andError:
+ authenticateWithLocalPhoneNumber:andPassword:andCountryCode:andDelegate:andCallback:
+ authenticate:withPassword:andBlock:
+ authenticate:withPassword:andDelegate:andCallback:
+ authenticateSynchronous:withPassword:andError:
+ authenticateWithToken:andBlock:
+ authenticateWithToken:andExpiresAt:andBlock:
+ authenticateWithToken:andDelegate:andCallback:
+ authenticateWithTokenSynchronous:andError:
+ authenticateWithTokenSynchronous:andExpiresAt:andError:
+ authenticateWithStoredCredentials:
+ authenticateWithStoredCredentialsSynchronous:
+ authenticateWithToken:expiresAt:refreshToken:block:
+ authenticateWithTokenSynchronous:expiresAt:refreshToken:error:
– performRegistrationWithBlock:
– performRegistration:withCallback:
– performRegistrationSynchronous:
– updatePassword:to:withBlock:
– updatePassword:to:withDelegate:andCallback:
– updatePasswordSynchronous:newPassword:error:
– updatePasswordSynchronous:from:to:
+ resetPassword:withBlock:
+ resetPassword:withDelegate:andCallback:
+ resetPasswordSynchronous:error:
+ resetPasswordSynchronous:withUserIdentifier:
+ resetPasswordSynchronous:notificationMethod:error:
+ resetPassword:notificationMethod:block:
+ completeResetPasswordSynchronous:pinCode:password:error:
+ completeResetPassword:pinCode:password:block:
– verifyPhoneNumber:withBlock:
– verifyPhoneNumberSynchronous:error:
– verifyPhoneNumber:withCode:
– verifyPhoneNumber:withDelegate:andCallback:
– resendEmailVerificationWithBlock:
– resendEmailVerificationSynchronous:
– resendEmailVerification:andCallback:
– resendPhoneNumberVerificationWithBlock:
– resendPhoneNumberVerificationSynchronous:
– resendPhoneNumberVerification:andCallback:
– memberOfGroupsWithBlock:
– memberOfGroupsSynchronous:
– memberOfGroups:andCallback:
– bucketWithName:
– encryptedBucketWithName:
– topicWithName:
– refreshWithBlock:
– refresh:withCallback:
– refreshSynchronous:
– saveWithBlock:
– save:withCallback:
– saveSynchronous:
– updateWithUserFields:block:
– updateWithIdentityData:userFields:block:
– updateWithUserFieldsSynchronous:error:
– updateWithIdentityDataSynchronous:userFields:error:
– deleteWithBlock:
– delete:withCallback:
– deleteSynchronous:
– describe
– setObject:forKey:
– hasObject:
– isLinkedWithSocialProvider:
– removeObjectForKey:
– getObjectForKey:
– changeEmail:withBlock:
– changeEmail:withDelegate:andCallback:
– changeEmailSynchronous:withError:
– changePhone:withBlock:
– changePhone:withDelegate:andCallback:
– changePhoneSynchronous:withError:
+ logOut
+ loggedIn
+ currentUser
+ findUserByUsername:withBlock:
+ findUserByEmail:withBlock:
+ findUserByPhone:withBlock:
+ findUserByUsername:withDelegate:andCallback:
+ findUserByEmail:withDelegate:andCallback:
+ findUserByPhone:withDelegate:andCallback:
+ findUserByUsernameSynchronous:withError:
+ findUserByEmailSynchronous:withError:
+ findUserByPhoneSynchronous:withError:
– ownerOfGroupsWithBlock:
– ownerOfGroupsSynchronous:
– putIdentityDataSynchronous:userFields:password:error:
+ registerAsPseudoUserSynchronousWithUserFields:error:
– putIdentityData:userFields:password:block:
+ registerAsPseudoUserWithUserFields:block:
– isEqual:
– accessTokenDictionary
– pushSubscription
– listTopicsSynchronous:
– listTopicsSynchronous:error:
– listTopics:
– listTopics:block:
The access token for the user - only available if the user is currently logged in.
@property (strong, readonly, nullable) NSString *accessToken
The access token for the user - only available if the user is currently logged in.
Declared In
The country code associated with this user
@property (nonatomic, nullable) NSString *country
The country code associated with this user
Declared In
The date the user was created on the server
@property (strong, readonly, nullable) NSDate *created
The date the user was created on the server
Declared In
True if the user is disabled, false otherwise.
@property (readonly) BOOL disabled
True if the user is disabled, false otherwise.
Call [KiiUser refreshWithBlock:], the [KiiUser refresh:withCallback:] or the [KiiUser refreshSynchronous:] prior calling this method to get correct status.
Declared In
Display name for this user. Cannot be used for logging a user in; is non-unique. Must be between 1 and 50 characters
@property (nonatomic, nullable) NSString *displayName
Display name for this user. Cannot be used for logging a user in; is non-unique. Must be between 1 and 50 characters
Declared In
Email address to use for authentication or for display
@property (readonly, nullable) NSString *email
Email address to use for authentication or for display
Declared In
Whether or not a user has validated their email address. This field is assigned by the server.
@property (readonly) BOOL emailVerified
Whether or not a user has validated their email address. This field is assigned by the server.
Declared In
YES if this instance is pseudo user. otherwise NO.
@property (readonly) BOOL isPseudoUser
YES if this instance is pseudo user. otherwise NO.
If this method is not called for current login user, calling the [KiiUser refreshWithBlock:], the [KiiUser refresh:withCallback:] or the [KiiUser refreshSynchronous:] method is necessary to get a correct value.
Declared In
Gets the linked social providers.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDictionary *linkedSocialAccounts
Return Value
A Dictionary of KiiSocialAccountInfo that is informations from the providers linked with this user.
Gets the linked social providers.
KiiSocialAccountInfo* facebookSocialInfo = [KiiUser currentUser].linkedSocialAccounts[@(kiiConnectorFacebook)];
Declared In
Locale of the user. nil if the user registered without locale.
@property (nullable) LocaleContainer *locale
Locale of the user. nil if the user registered without locale.
Declared In
The date the user was last modified on the server
@property (strong, readonly, nullable) NSDate *modified
The date the user was last modified on the server
Declared In
Get a specifically formatted string referencing the user. The user must exist in the cloud (have a valid UUID).
@property (strong, readonly, nullable) NSString *objectURI
Get a specifically formatted string referencing the user. The user must exist in the cloud (have a valid UUID).
Declared In
Email address that has not been verified.
@property (readonly, nullable) NSString *pendingEmail
Email address that has not been verified.
- When the user’s email has been changed and email verification is required in
- you app configuration, New email is stored as pending email.
- After the new email has been verified, the address can be obtained by
- [KiiUser email].
- @see [KiiUser email], [KiiUser changeEmailSynchronous:withError:]
Declared In
Phone number that has not been verified.
@property (readonly, nullable) NSString *pendingPhoneNumber
Phone number that has not been verified.
- When the user’s phone has been changed and phone verification is required in
- your app configuration, New phone is stored as pending phone.
- After the new phone has been verified, the number can be obtained by
- [KiiUser phoneNumber].
- @see [KiiUser phoneNumber], [KiiUser changePhoneSynchronous:withError:]
Declared In
Phone number to use for authentication or for display
@property (readonly, nullable) NSString *phoneNumber
Phone number to use for authentication or for display
Declared In
Whether or not a user has validated their phone number. This field is assigned by the server.
@property (readonly) BOOL phoneVerified
Whether or not a user has validated their phone number. This field is assigned by the server.
Declared In
The unique ID of the KiiUser object, assigned by the server
@property (readonly, nullable) NSString *userID
The unique ID of the KiiUser object, assigned by the server
Declared In
Username to use for authentication or for display. Must be between 3 and 64 characters, which can include alphanumeric characters as well as underscores ‘_’ and periods ‘.’
@property (readonly, nullable) NSString *username
Username to use for authentication or for display. Must be between 3 and 64 characters, which can include alphanumeric characters as well as underscores ‘_’ and periods ‘.’
Declared In
The unique id of the KiiUser object, assigned by the server (Deprecated: Use [KiiUser userID] instead.)
@property (readonly, nullable) NSString *uuid
The unique id of the KiiUser object, assigned by the server
Declared In
Class Methods
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server
+ (void)authenticate:(NSString *)userIdentifier withPassword:(NSString *)password andBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- userIdentifier
Can be a username or a verified phone number or a verified email address
- password
The user’s password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server
Authenticates a user with the server. This method is non-blocking. If successful, the user is cached inside SDK as current user, and accessible via [KiiUser currentUser]. This user token is also cached and used by the SDK when the access token is required. Access token won’t be expired unless you set it explicitly by [Kii setAccessTokenExpiration:]. User token can be get by [KiiUser accessToken]. From next time, it is possible to login with the access token until the token is expired.
[KiiUser authenticate:@"myusername" withPassword:@"mypassword" andBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"Authenticated user: %@", user);
Declared In
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server
+ (void)authenticate:(NSString *)userIdentifier withPassword:(NSString *)password andDelegate:(id)delegate andCallback:(SEL)callback
- userIdentifier
Can be a username or a verified phone number or a verified email address
- password
The user’s password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) authenticationComplete:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server
Authenticates a user with the server. This method is non-blocking. If successful, the user is cached inside SDK as current user, and accessible via [KiiUser currentUser]. This user token is also cached and used by the SDK when the access token is required. Access token won’t be expired unless you set it explicitly by [Kii setAccessTokenExpiration:]. User token can be get by [KiiUser accessToken]. From next time, it is possible to login with the access token until the token is expired.
Declared In
Synchronously authenticates a user with the server
+ (nullable KiiUser *)authenticateSynchronous:(NSString *)userIdentifier withPassword:(NSString *)password andError:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- userIdentifier
Can be a username or a verified phone number or a verified email address
- password
The user’s password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
The KiiUser object that was authenticated. nil if failed to authenticate
Synchronously authenticates a user with the server
Authenticates a user with the server. This method is blocking.
If successful, the user is cached inside SDK as current user, and accessible via [KiiUser currentUser]. This user token is also cached and used by the SDK when the access token is required. Access token won’t be expired unless you set it explicitly by [Kii setAccessTokenExpiration:]. User token can be get by [KiiUser accessToken]. From next time, it is possible to login with the access token until the token is expired.
Declared In
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server using local phone number, country code and password
+ (void)authenticateWithLocalPhoneNumber:(NSString *)phoneNumber andPassword:(NSString *)password andCountryCode:(NSString *)countryCode andBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- phoneNumber
local phone number, it must be numeric and at least 7 digit
- password
The user’s password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
- countryCode
2 digits phone country code, it must be capital letters
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server using local phone number, country code and password
Authenticates a user with the server. This method is non blocking. If successful, the user is cached inside SDK as current user, and accessible via [KiiUser currentUser]. This user token is also cached and used by the SDK when the access token is required. Access token won’t be expired unless you set it explicitly by [Kii setAccessTokenExpiration:]. User token can be get by [KiiUser accessToken]. From next time, it is possible to login with the access token until the token is expired.
Example: [KiiUser authenticateWithLocalPhoneNumber:@“9812345” andPassword:@“mypassword” andCountryCode:@“US” andBlock:^(KiiUser user, NSError error) { if(error == nil) { NSLog(@“Authenticated user: %@”, user); }
Declared In
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server using local phone number, country code and password
+ (void)authenticateWithLocalPhoneNumber:(NSString *)phoneNumber andPassword:(NSString *)password andCountryCode:(NSString *)countryCode andDelegate:(id)delegate andCallback:(SEL)callback
- phoneNumber
local phone number, it must be numeric and at least 7 digit
- password
The user’s password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
- countryCode
2 digits phone country code, it must be capital letters
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) authenticationComplete:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server using local phone number, country code and password
Authenticates a user with the server. This method is non blocking. If successful, the user is cached inside SDK as current user, and accessible via [KiiUser currentUser]. This user token is also cached and used by the SDK when the access token is required. Access token won’t be expired unless you set it explicitly by [Kii setAccessTokenExpiration:]. User token can be get by [KiiUser accessToken]. From next time, it is possible to login with the access token until the token is expired.
Declared In
Synchronously authenticates a user with the server using local phone number, country code and password
+ (nullable KiiUser *)authenticateWithLocalPhoneNumberSynchronous:(NSString *)phoneNumber andPassword:(NSString *)password andCountryCode:(NSString *)countryCode andError:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- phoneNumber
local phone number, it must be numeric and at least 7 digit
- password
The user’s password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
- countryCode
2 digits phone country code, it must be capital letters
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
The KiiUser object that was authenticated. nil if failed to authenticate
Synchronously authenticates a user with the server using local phone number, country code and password
Authenticates a user with the server. This method is blocking.
Declared In
Asynchronously authenticates a user with stored credentials from KeyChain.
+ (void)authenticateWithStoredCredentials:(KiiUserBlock)block
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Asynchronously authenticates a user with stored credentials from KeyChain.
[KiiUser authenticateWithStoredCredentials:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if (error == nil) {
// Succeeded.
Note: Follwing properties are stored/loaded.
You may need to fetch other properties by [KiiUser refreshWithBlock:] when you access to other properites.
- username
- displayName
- emailVerified
- pendingEmail
- phoneNumber
- phoneVerified
- pendingPhone
- country
- refreshToken
Note: Prior to v2.2.2, KiiSDK stored user credentials with kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlock, so saving or loading user credentials would fail when device was unlocked. From v2.2.2, KiiSDK stores user credentials with kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock, which means as long as your app restarts after user first unlock device, it is possible to authenticate with stored user credentials, even the device is lockd.
Declared In
Synchronously authenticates a user with stored credentials from KeyChain.
+ (nullable KiiUser *)authenticateWithStoredCredentialsSynchronous:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
The KiiUser object that was authenticated. nil if failed to authenticate
Synchronously authenticates a user with stored credentials from KeyChain.
Please confirm the details [KiiUser authenticateWithStoredCredentials:]
Declared In
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server using a valid access token
+ (void)authenticateWithToken:(NSString *)accessToken andBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- accessToken
A valid access token associated with the desired user
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server using a valid access token
Authenticates a user with the server. This method is non-blocking.
[KiiUser authenticateWithToken:@"my-user-token"
andBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"Authenticated user: %@", user);
Note: If successful, the user is cached inside SDK as current user, and accessible via [KiiUser currentUser]. Specified token is also cached and can be get by [KiiUser accessTokenDictionary] . Note that, token expiration time is not cached and set to [NSDate distantFuture]. If you want token expiration time also be cached, use [KiiUser authenticateWithTokenSynchronous:andExpiresAt:andError:] instead.
Declared In
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server using a valid access token
+ (void)authenticateWithToken:(NSString *)accessToken andDelegate:(id)delegate andCallback:(SEL)callback
- accessToken
A valid access token associated with the desired user
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) authenticationComplete:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server using a valid access token
Authenticates a user with the server. This method is non-blocking. If the specified token is expired, authenticataiton will be failed. Authenticate the user again to renew the token.
Note: If successful, the user is cached inside SDK as current user, and accessible via [KiiUser currentUser]. Specified token is also cached and can be get by [KiiUser accessTokenDictionary] . Note that, token expiration time is not cached and set to [NSDate distantFuture]. If you want token expiration time also be cached, use [KiiUser authenticateWithTokenSynchronous:andExpiresAt:andError:] instead.
Declared In
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server using specified access token. This method is non-blocking.
+ (void)authenticateWithToken:(NSString *)accessToken andExpiresAt:(NSDate *)expiresAt andBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- accessToken
A valid access token associated with the desired user.
- expiresAt
NSDate representation of accessToken expiration obtained from [KiiUser accessTokenDictionary].
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example.
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server using specified access token. This method is non-blocking.
[KiiUser authenticateWithToken:@"my-user-token"
andExpiresAt: expiresAt
andBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"Authenticated user: %@", user);
Specified expiresAt won’t be used by SDK. IF login successful, we set this property so that you can get it later along with token by [KiiUser accessTokenDictionary]. Also, if successful, the user is cached inside SDK as current user and accessible via [KiiUser currentUser].
Declared In
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server using specified access token. This method is non-blocking.
+ (void)authenticateWithToken:(NSString *)accessToken expiresAt:(NSDate *)expiresAt refreshToken:(NSString *)refreshToken block:(KiiUserBlock)block
- accessToken
A valid access token associated with the desired user.
- expiresAt
Access token expire time.
- refreshToken
A valid refresh token for the user.
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example.
Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server using specified access token. This method is non-blocking.
[KiiUser authenticateWithToken:@“my-user-token” refreshToken: @“my-refresh-token” expiresAt: expiresAt block:^(KiiUser user, NSError error) { if(error == nil) { NSLog(@“Authenticated user: %@”, user); } }];
If successful, the user is cached inside SDK as current user and accessible via [KiiUser currentUser].
Declared In
Synchronously authenticates a user with the server using a valid access token
+ (nullable KiiUser *)authenticateWithTokenSynchronous:(NSString *)accessToken andError:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- accessToken
A valid access token associated with the desired user
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
The KiiUser object that was authenticated. nil if failed to authenticate
Synchronously authenticates a user with the server using a valid access token
Authenticates a user with the server. This method is blocking. If the specified token is expired, authenticataiton will be failed. Authenticate the user again to renew the token.
Note: If successful, the user is cached inside SDK as current user, and accessible via [KiiUser currentUser]. Specified token is also cached and can be get by [KiiUser accessTokenDictionary] . Note that, token expiration time is not cached and set to [NSDate distantFuture]. If you want token expiration time also be cached, use [KiiUser authenticateWithTokenSynchronous:andExpiresAt:andError:] instead.
Declared In
Synchronously authenticates a user with the server using specified access token. This method is blocking.
+ (nullable KiiUser *)authenticateWithTokenSynchronous:(NSString *)accessToken andExpiresAt:(NSDate *)expiresAt andError:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- accessToken
A valid access token associated with the desired user.
- expiresAt
NSDate representation of accessToken expiration obtained from [KiiUser accessTokenDictionary].
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
The KiiUser object that was authenticated. nil if failed to authenticate.
Synchronously authenticates a user with the server using specified access token. This method is blocking.
Specified expiresAt won’t be used by SDK. IF login successful, we set this property so that you can get it later along with token by [KiiUser accessTokenDictionary]. Also, if successful, the user is cached inside SDK as current user and accessible via [KiiUser currentUser].
Declared In
Synchronously authenticates a user with the server using specified access token and refresh token. This method is blocking.
+ (nullable KiiUser *)authenticateWithTokenSynchronous:(NSString *)accessToken expiresAt:(NSDate *)expiresAt refreshToken:(NSString *)refreshToken error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- accessToken
A valid access token associated with the desired user.
- expiresAt
Access token expire time.
- refreshToken
A valid refresh token for the user.
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
The KiiUser object that was authenticated. nil if failed to authenticate.
Synchronously authenticates a user with the server using specified access token and refresh token. This method is blocking.
If successful, the user is cached inside SDK as current user and accessible via [KiiUser currentUser].
Declared In
Asynchronous version of [KiiUser completeResetPasswordSynchronous:pinCode:password:error]
+ (void)completeResetPassword:(NSString *)userIdentifier pinCode:(NSString *)pinCode password:(nullable NSString *)password block:(KiiErrorBlock)block
- userIdentifier
should be valid email address, global phone number or user identifier obtained by userID
- pinCode
Received PIN code.
- password
new password for login. If the ‘Password Reset Flow’ is set to ‘Generate Password’ in you app’s Security settings, It would be ignored and you can pass nil for this parameter. Otherwise valid password is required.
- block
called upon method completion.
Asynchronous version of [KiiUser completeResetPasswordSynchronous:pinCode:password:error]
Declared In
Reset password with the PIN code in receipt SMS.
After <[KiiUser:resetPasswordSynchronous:notificationMethod:error]> is called
with SMS_PIN notification method and completed, SMS includes PIN code will be
sent to user’s phone.
User can set a new password for login with the PIN code.
Please call authenticate method to login with the new password after the new
password is determined.
+ (BOOL)completeResetPasswordSynchronous:(NSString *)userIdentifier pinCode:(NSString *)pinCode password:(nullable NSString *)password error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- userIdentifier
should be valid email address, global phone number or user identifier obtained by userID
- pinCode
Received PIN code.
- password
new password for login. If the ‘Password Reset Flow’ is set to ‘Generate Password’ in you app’s Security settings, It would be ignored and you can pass nil for this parameter. In this case, password is generaged on Kii Cloud and sent to user’s phone. Otherwise valid password is required.
- error
used to return an error by reference. Recommend to set nonnull error pointer reference to get the error information.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Reset password with the PIN code in receipt SMS.
After <[KiiUser:resetPasswordSynchronous:notificationMethod:error]> is called
with SMS_PIN notification method and completed, SMS includes PIN code will be
sent to user’s phone.
User can set a new password for login with the PIN code.
Please call authenticate method to login with the new password after the new
password is determined.
Declared In
Get the currently logged-in user
+ (nullable KiiUser *)currentUser
Return Value
A KiiUser object representing the current user, nil if no user is logged-in
Get the currently logged-in user
Declared In
Find user by user e mail address asynchronously using block This is a non-blocking method. This method can only get user that has verified email.
+ (void)findUserByEmail:(NSString *)emailAddress withBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- emailAddress
The email address of user that want to be discovered. User can only find specific user from email that has been verified.
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Find user by user e mail address asynchronously using block This is a non-blocking method. This method can only get user that has verified email.
[u findUserByEmail:@"email_to_found" withBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"Found user: %@", user);
Declared In
Find user by user e mail address asynchronously using delegate and callback This is a non-blocking method. This method can only get user that has verified email.
+ (void)findUserByEmail:(NSString *)emailAddress withDelegate:(id)delegate andCallback:(SEL)callback
- emailAddress
The email address of user that want to be discovered. User can only find specific user from email that has been verified.
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) userFound:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Find user by user e mail address asynchronously using delegate and callback This is a non-blocking method. This method can only get user that has verified email.
Declared In
Find user by user e mail address synchronously This is a blocking method. This method can only get user that has verified email.
+ (nullable KiiUser *)findUserByEmailSynchronous:(NSString *)emailAddress withError:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- emailAddress
The email address of user that want to be discovered. User can only find specific user from email that has been verified.
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Find user by user e mail address synchronously This is a blocking method. This method can only get user that has verified email.
Declared In
Find user by user phone asynchronously using block This is a non-blocking method. This method can only get user that has verified phone number.
+ (void)findUserByPhone:(NSString *)phoneNumber withBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- phoneNumber
the global phone number of user that want to be discovered. Do not pass local phone number, it is not supported. User can only find specific user from phone number that has been verified.
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Find user by user phone asynchronously using block This is a non-blocking method. This method can only get user that has verified phone number.
[u findUserByPhone:@"phoneNumber_to_found" withBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"Found user: %@", user);
Declared In
Find user by user phone asynchronously using delegate and callback This is a non-blocking method. This method can only get user that has verified phone number.
+ (void)findUserByPhone:(NSString *)phoneNumber withDelegate:(id)delegate andCallback:(SEL)callback
- phoneNumber
The global phone number of user that want to be discovered. Do not pass local phone number, it is not supported. User can only find specific user from phone number that has been verified.
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) userFound:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Find user by user phone asynchronously using delegate and callback This is a non-blocking method. This method can only get user that has verified phone number.
Declared In
Find user by user phone synchronously This is a blocking method. This method can only get user that has verified phone number.
+ (nullable KiiUser *)findUserByPhoneSynchronous:(NSString *)phoneNumber withError:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- phoneNumber
The global phone number of user that want to be discovered. Do not pass local phone number, it is not supported. User can only find specific user from phone number that has been verified.
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Find user by user phone synchronously This is a blocking method. This method can only get user that has verified phone number.
Declared In
Find user by username asynchronously using block This is a non-blocking method.
+ (void)findUserByUsername:(NSString *)username withBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- username
The username of user that want to be discovered
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Find user by username asynchronously using block This is a non-blocking method.
[u findUserByUsername:@"user_to_found" withBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"Found user: %@", user);
Declared In
Find user by username asynchronously using delegate and callback This is a non-blocking method.
+ (void)findUserByUsername:(NSString *)username withDelegate:(id)delegate andCallback:(SEL)callback
- username
The username of user that want to be discovered
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) userFound:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Find user by username asynchronously using delegate and callback This is a non-blocking method.
Declared In
Find user by username synchronously This is a blocking method.
+ (nullable KiiUser *)findUserByUsernameSynchronous:(NSString *)username withError:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- username
The username of user that want to be discovered
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Find user by username synchronously This is a blocking method.
Declared In
Logs the currently logged-in user out of the KiiSDK
+ (void)logOut
Logs the currently logged-in user out of the KiiSDK
Declared In
Determines whether or not there is a KiiUser currently logged in
+ (BOOL)loggedIn
Return Value
TRUE if an authenticated user exists, FALSE otherwise
Determines whether or not there is a KiiUser currently logged in
Declared In
Register this user as pseudo user on KiiCloud.
+ (KiiUser *_Nullable)registerAsPseudoUserSynchronousWithUserFields:(nullable KiiUserFields *)userFields error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- userFields
Optional. If nil is passed, display name, country and other custom field would not be set. To set those fields, create UserFields instance and pass to this API. fields which is not included in this instance
- error
An NSError object, can be nil but not recommended.
Return Value
Registered new KiiUser.
Register this user as pseudo user on KiiCloud.
This method registers this user as pseudo user on KiiCloud.
Declared In
Register this user as pseudo user on KiiCloud.
+ (void)registerAsPseudoUserWithUserFields:(nullable KiiUserFields *)userFields block:(KiiUserBlock)block
- userFields
Optional. If nil is passed, display name, country and other custom field would not be set. To set those fields, create UserFields instance and pass to this API. fields which is not included in this instance
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. must not be nil. See example.
Register this user as pseudo user on KiiCloud.
This method registers this user as pseudo user on KiiCloud.
custom fields will be gone. This method is non-blocking.
[KiiUser registerAsPseudoUserWithUserFields:nil
block:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if (error != nil) {
// fail to register. notify to user.
// success to register.
- NSInvalidArgumentException
One or more arguments are invalid.
Declared In
Asynchronous version of resetPasswordSynchronous:notificationMethod:error:
Reset the password of user specified by given identifier.
This api does not execute login after reset.
+ (void)resetPassword:(NSString *)userIdentifier notificationMethod:(KiiNotificationMethod)notificationMethod block:(KiiErrorBlock)block
- userIdentifier
should be valid email address, global phone number or user identifier obtained by userID
- notificationMethod
Specify reset notification method.
For details, please refer to KiiNotificationMethod document.
different type of identifier and destination can be used as long as user have verified email, phone. (ex. User registers both email and phone. Identifier is email and notificationMethod is SMS.)
- block
The block to be called upon method completion.
Asynchronous version of resetPasswordSynchronous:notificationMethod:error:
Reset the password of user specified by given identifier.
This api does not execute login after reset.
- NSInvalidArgumentException
notificationMethod arguments is not type of KiiNotificationMethod enum.
Declared In
Asynchronously reset a user’s password on the server.
+ (void)resetPassword:(NSString *)userIdentifier withBlock:(KiiErrorBlock)block
- userIdentifier
The email address which the account is associated with.
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example.
Asynchronously reset a user’s password on the server.
Reset a user’s password on the server. The user is determined by the specified email address that has already been associated with an account. Reset instructions will be sent to that email address. This method is non-blocking.
[KiiUser resetPassword:@""
withBlock:^(NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"Reset user password!");
Declared In
Asynchronously reset a user’s password on the server.
+ (void)resetPassword:(NSString *)userIdentifier withDelegate:(id)delegate andCallback:(SEL)callback
- userIdentifier
The email address which the account is associated with.
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) passwordResetComplete:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Asynchronously reset a user’s password on the server.
Reset a user’s password on the server. The user is determined by the specified email address that has already been associated with an account. Reset instructions will be sent to that email address. This method is non-blocking.
Declared In
Synchronously reset a user’s password on the server.
+ (BOOL)resetPasswordSynchronous:(NSString *)userIdentifier error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- userIdentifier
The email address which the account is associated with.
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Synchronously reset a user’s password on the server.
Reset a user’s password on the server.The user is determined by the specified email address that has already been associated with an account. Reset instructions will be sent to that email address. This method is blocking.
Declared In
Synchronously reset the user’s password.
Reset the password of user specified by given identifier.
This api does not execute login after reset.
+ (BOOL)resetPasswordSynchronous:(NSString *)userIdentifier notificationMethod:(KiiNotificationMethod)notificationMethod error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- userIdentifier
should be valid email address, global phone number or user identifier obtained by userID
- notificationMethod
Specify reset notification method.
For details, please refer to KiiNotificationMethod document.
different type of identifier and destination can be used as long as user have verified email, phone. (ex. User registers both email and phone. Identifier is email and notificationMethod is SMS.)
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Synchronously reset the user’s password.
Reset the password of user specified by given identifier.
This api does not execute login after reset.
- NSInvalidArgumentException
notificationMethod arguments is not type of KiiNotificationMethod enum.
Declared In
Use [KiiUser resetPasswordSynchronous:error:] instead. (Deprecated: Use [KiiUser resetPasswordSynchronous:error:] instead.)
+ (BOOL)resetPasswordSynchronous:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error withUserIdentifier:(NSString *)userIdentifier
Declared In
Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled
+ (KiiUser *)userWithEmailAddress:(NSString *)emailAddress andPassword:(NSString *)userPassword
- emailAddress
The user’s email address
- userPassword
The user’s password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
Return Value
a working KiiUser object
Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled
Creates an pre-filled user object for registration. This user will not be authenticated until the registration method is called on it. It can be treated as any other KiiUser before it is registered.
Declared In
Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled
+ (KiiUser *)userWithEmailAddress:(NSString *)emailAddress andPhoneNumber:(NSString *)phoneNumber andPassword:(NSString *)userPassword
- emailAddress
The user’s email address
- phoneNumber
The user’s phone number
- userPassword
The user’s password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
Return Value
a working KiiUser object
Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled
Creates an pre-filled user object for registration. This user will not be authenticated until the registration method is called on it. It can be treated as any other KiiUser before it is registered.
Declared In
Instantiate KiiUser that refers to existing user which has specified ID.
+ (KiiUser *)userWithID:(NSString *)userID
- userID
ID of the KiiUser to instantiate.
Return Value
instance of KiiUser.
Instantiate KiiUser that refers to existing user which has specified ID.
You have to specify the ID of existing KiiUser. Unlike KiiObject, you can not assign ID in the client side.
Note: This API does not access to the server. After instantiation, it should be ‘refreshed’ to fetch the properties from server.
Declared In
Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled
+ (KiiUser *)userWithPhoneNumber:(NSString *)phoneNumber andPassword:(NSString *)userPassword
- phoneNumber
The user’s phone number
- userPassword
The user’s password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
Return Value
a working KiiUser object
Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled
Creates an pre-filled user object for registration. This user will not be authenticated until the registration method is called on it. It can be treated as any other KiiUser before it is registered.
Declared In
Create a KiiUser that references an existing user
+ (KiiUser *)userWithURI:(NSString *)uri
- uri
A user-specific URI
Return Value
a working KiiUser
Create a KiiUser that references an existing user
Declared In
Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled
+ (KiiUser *)userWithUsername:(NSString *)username andEmailAddress:(NSString *)emailAddress andPassword:(NSString *)userPassword
- username
The user’s desired username. Must be between 3 and 64 characters, which can include alphanumeric characters as well as underscores ‘_’, dashes ‘-’ and periods ‘.’
- emailAddress
The user’s email address
- userPassword
The user’s password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
Return Value
a working KiiUser object
Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled
Creates an pre-filled user object for registration. This user will not be authenticated until the registration method is called on it. It can be treated as any other KiiUser before it is registered.
Declared In
Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled
+ (KiiUser *)userWithUsername:(NSString *)username andEmailAddress:(NSString *)emailAddress andPhoneNumber:(NSString *)phoneNumber andPassword:(NSString *)userPassword
- username
The user’s desired username. Must be between 3 and 64 characters, which can include alphanumeric characters as well as underscores ‘_’, dashes ‘-’ and periods ‘.’
- emailAddress
The user’s email address
- phoneNumber
The user’s phone number
- userPassword
The user’s password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
Return Value
a working KiiUser object
Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled
Creates an pre-filled user object for registration. This user will not be authenticated until the registration method is called on it. It can be treated as any other KiiUser before it is registered.
Declared In
Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled Creates an pre-filled user object for manipulation. This user will not be authenticated until one of the authentication methods are called on it. Custom fields can be added to it before it is registered or authenticated.
+ (KiiUser *)userWithUsername:(NSString *)userUsername andPassword:(NSString *)userPassword
- userUsername
The user’s desired username. Must be between 3 and 64 characters, which can include alphanumeric characters as well as underscores ‘_’, dashes ‘-’ and periods ‘.’
- userPassword
The user’s password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
Return Value
a working KiiUser object
Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled Creates an pre-filled user object for manipulation. This user will not be authenticated until one of the authentication methods are called on it. Custom fields can be added to it before it is registered or authenticated.
Declared In
Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled
+ (KiiUser *)userWithUsername:(NSString *)username andPhoneNumber:(NSString *)phoneNumber andPassword:(NSString *)userPassword
- username
The user’s desired username. Must be between 3 and 64 characters, which can include alphanumeric characters as well as underscores ‘_’, dashes ‘-’ and periods ‘.’
- phoneNumber
The user’s phone number
- userPassword
The user’s password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
Return Value
a working KiiUser object
Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled
Creates an pre-filled user object for registration. This user will not be authenticated until the registration method is called on it. It can be treated as any other KiiUser before it is registered.
Declared In
Instance Methods
Return the access tokens in a dictionary.
- (nullable NSDictionary *)accessTokenDictionary
Return Value
Dictionary contains accessToken information (see table above),returns nil if user not logged in.
Return the access tokens in a dictionary.
Dictionary contains following key/values.
Key | Type | Value |
"access_token" | NSString | required for accessing KiiCloud |
"expires_at" | NSDate | Access token expiration date time (Since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC), or [NSDate distantFuture] if the session doesn't expire. |
"refresh_token" | NSString | required for refreshing access token |
Declared In
Get or create a bucket at the user level
- (KiiBucket *)bucketWithName:(NSString *)bucketName
- bucketName
The name of the bucket you’d like to use
Return Value
An instance of a working KiiBucket
Get or create a bucket at the user level
Declared In
Updates the user’s email address on the server
- (void)changeEmail:(NSString *)newEmail withBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- newEmail
The new email address to change to
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Updates the user’s email address on the server
This is a non-blocking method.
[u changeEmail:@"" withBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"Email changed for user: %@", user);
Declared In
Updates the user’s email address on the server
- (void)changeEmail:(NSString *)newEmail withDelegate:(id)delegate andCallback:(SEL)callback
- newEmail
The new email address to change to
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) emailChanged:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Updates the user’s email address on the server
This is a non-blocking method.
Declared In
Updates the user’s email address on the server
- (BOOL)changeEmailSynchronous:(NSString *)newEmail withError:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- newEmail
The new email address to change to
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Updates the user’s email address on the server
If the email address verification is required by your app configuration,
User’s email would not changed to new one until the new email verification has
been done.
In this case, new mail address can be obtained by
[KiiUser pendingEmail].
This API does not refresh the KiiUser automatically.
Please execute [KiiUser refresh:] before checking the value of
[KiiUser email] or [KiiUser pendingEmail].
This is a blocking method.
See Also
Declared In
Updates the user’s phone number on the server
- (void)changePhone:(NSString *)newPhoneNumber withBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- newPhoneNumber
The new phone number to change to
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Updates the user’s phone number on the server
This is a non-blocking method.
[u changePhone:@"mynewphonenumber" withBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"Phone changed for user: %@", user);
Declared In
Updates the user’s phone number on the server
- (void)changePhone:(NSString *)newPhoneNumber withDelegate:(id)delegate andCallback:(SEL)callback
- newPhoneNumber
The new phone number to change to
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) phoneChanged:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Updates the user’s phone number on the server
This is a non-blocking method.
Declared In
Updates the user’s phone number on the server
- (BOOL)changePhoneSynchronous:(NSString *)newPhoneNumber withError:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- newPhoneNumber
The new phone number to change to
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Updates the user’s phone number on the server
If the phone number verification is required by your app configuration,
User’s phone number would not changed to new one until the new phone number
verification has been done.
In this case, new phone can be obtained by [KiiUser pendingPhoneNumber].
This API does not refresh the KiiUser automatically.
Please execute {@link #refresh()} before checking the value of
[KiiUser phoneNumber] or [KiiUser pendingPhoneNumber].
This is a blocking method.
Declared In
Asynchronously deletes the user from the server
- (void)delete:(id)delegate withCallback:(SEL)callback
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) userDeleted:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the object } else { // there was a problem } }
Asynchronously deletes the user from the server
The user must exist on the server for this method to execute properly. This is a non-blocking method.
Declared In
Synchronously deletes the user from the server
- (BOOL)deleteSynchronous:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Synchronously deletes the user from the server
The user must exist on the server for this method to execute properly. This is a blocking method.
Declared In
Asynchronously deletes the user from the server
- (void)deleteWithBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Asynchronously deletes the user from the server
The user must exist on the server for this method to execute properly. This is a non-blocking method.
[u deleteWithBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"User deleted!");
Declared In
Prints the contents of this user to log
- (void)describe
Prints the contents of this user to log
For developer purposes only, this method prints the user in a readable format to the log for testing.
Declared In
Get or create an encrypted bucket at the user level.
- (KiiEncryptedBucket *)encryptedBucketWithName:(NSString *)bucketName
- bucketName
The name of the encrypted bucket you’d like to use.
Return Value
An instance of a working KiiEncryptedBucket
Get or create an encrypted bucket at the user level.
- NSInvalidArgumentException
when bucketName is not acceptable format. For details please refer to <[KiiBucket isValidBucketName:(NSString*) bucketName]>.
Declared In
Gets the value associated with the given key
- (nullable id)getObjectForKey:(NSString *)key
- key
The key to retrieve
Return Value
An object if the key exists, nil otherwise
Gets the value associated with the given key
Declared In
Checks to see if an object exists for a given key
- (BOOL)hasObject:(NSString *)key
- key
The key to check for existence
Return Value
True if the object exists, false otherwise.
Checks to see if an object exists for a given key
Declared In
Return YES when the specified KiiUser is in following conditions. - KiiUser ID is equal to this one. - (If KiiUser does not have ID) KiiUser instance is equal to this one.
- (BOOL)isEqual:(nullable id)object
- object
KiiUser object that will be compared to this.
Return Value
YES if the given KiiUser is equal to this, NO otherwise.
Return YES when the specified KiiUser is in following conditions. - KiiUser ID is equal to this one. - (If KiiUser does not have ID) KiiUser instance is equal to this one.
Declared In
Checks the if this user is linked with specified social provider.
- (BOOL)isLinkedWithSocialProvider:(KiiConnectorProvider)provider
- provider
The provider to check
Return Value
YES if this user is linked with specified social provider, NO otherwise.
Checks the if this user is linked with specified social provider.
Declared In
Returns the topics in this user scope asynchronously.
- (void)listTopics:(KiiListResultBlock)completion
- completion
The block to be called upon method completion, this is mandatory. See example.
Returns the topics in this user scope asynchronously.
Receives a KiiListResult object representing list of topics. This is a non-blocking request.
[aUser listTopics:^(KiiListResult *topics, id callerObject, NSError *error){
//at this scope, callerObject should be KiiUser instance
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"Got Results: %@", topics);
NSLog(@"Total topics: %@", topics.results.count);
NSLog(@"Has Next: %@ next paginationKey: %@", topics.hasNext?@"Yes":@"No", topics.paginationKey);
KiiTopic *firstTopic = topics.result.firstObject;
if (firstTopic){
NSLog(@"topic name :%@",;
- NSInvalidArgumentException
if completion is nil.
Declared In
Returns the topics in this user scope asynchronously.
- (void)listTopics:(nullable NSString *)paginationKey block:(KiiListResultBlock)completion
- paginationKey
pagination key. If nil or empty value is specified, this API regards no paginationKey specified.
- completion
The block to be called upon method completion, this is mandatory. See example.
Returns the topics in this user scope asynchronously.
Receives a KiiListResult object representing list of topics. This is a non-blocking request.
[aUser listTopics:paginationKey block:^(KiiListResult *topics, id callerObject, NSError *error){
//at this scope, callerObject should be KiiUser instance
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"Got Results: %@", topics);
NSLog(@"Total topics: %@", topics.results.count);
NSLog(@"Has Next: %@ next paginationKey: %@", topics.hasNext?@"Yes":@"No", topics.paginationKey);
KiiTopic *firstTopic = topics.result.firstObject;
if (firstTopic){
NSLog(@"topic name :%@",;
- NSInvalidArgumentException
if completion is nil.
Declared In
Returns the topics in this user scope. This is blocking method.
- (nullable KiiListResult *)listTopicsSynchronous:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
a KiiListResult object representing list of topics in this thing scope.
Returns the topics in this user scope. This is blocking method.
Declared In
Returns the topics in this user scope. This is blocking method.
- (nullable KiiListResult *)listTopicsSynchronous:(nullable NSString *)paginationKey error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- paginationKey
pagination key. If nil or empty value is specified, this API regards no paginationKey specified.
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
a KiiListResult object representing list of topics in this user scope.
Returns the topics in this user scope. This is blocking method.
Declared In
Asynchronously gets a list of groups which the user is a member of
- (void)memberOfGroups:(id)delegate andCallback:(SEL)callback
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) userIsMember:(KiiUser*)user ofGroups:(NSArray*)groups withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user's groups for(KiiGroup *g in groups) { // do something with the group } } else { // there was a problem } }
Asynchronously gets a list of groups which the user is a member of
This is a non-blocking method.
Declared In
Synchronously gets a list of groups which the user is a member of
- (nullable NSArray *)memberOfGroupsSynchronous:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
An array of KiiGroup objects
Synchronously gets a list of groups which the user is a member of
This is a blocking method.
Declared In
Asynchronously gets a list of groups which the user is a member of
- (void)memberOfGroupsWithBlock:(KiiUserArrayBlock)block
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Asynchronously gets a list of groups which the user is a member of
This is a non-blocking method.
[u memberOfGroupsWithBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSArray *results, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"User %@ is member of groups: %@", user, results);
Declared In
Synchronously gets groups owned by this user. Group in the returned array does not contain all the property of group. To get all the property from cloud, KiiGroup refresh is necessary.This method is blocking.
- (nullable NSArray *)ownerOfGroupsSynchronous:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
An NSArray Array of groups owned by the user.
Synchronously gets groups owned by this user. Group in the returned array does not contain all the property of group. To get all the property from cloud, KiiGroup refresh is necessary.This method is blocking.
See Also
Declared In
Asynchronously gets the groups owned by this user. Group in the returned array does not contain all the property of group. To get all the property from cloud, KiiGroup refresh is necessary. This method is non-blocking.
- (void)ownerOfGroupsWithBlock:(KiiUserArrayBlock)block
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example.
Asynchronously gets the groups owned by this user. Group in the returned array does not contain all the property of group. To get all the property from cloud, KiiGroup refresh is necessary. This method is non-blocking.
[u ownerOfGroupsWithBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSArray *results, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"User %@ is owner of groups: %@", user, results);
See Also
Declared In
Asynchronously registers a user object with the server
- (void)performRegistration:(id)delegate withCallback:(SEL)callback
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) registrationComplete:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Asynchronously registers a user object with the server
Registers a user with the server. The user object must have an associated email/password combination. This method is non-blocking.
Declared In
Synchronously registers a user object with the server
- (BOOL)performRegistrationSynchronous:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Synchronously registers a user object with the server
Registers a user with the server. The user object must have an associated email/password combination. This method is blocking.
Declared In
Asynchronously registers a user object with the server
- (void)performRegistrationWithBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Asynchronously registers a user object with the server
Registers a user with the server. The user object must have an associated email/password combination. This method is non-blocking. If the specified token is expired, authenticataiton will be failed. Authenticate the user again to renew the token.
[u performRegistrationWithBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"Registered user: %@", user);
Declared In
Get or create a push subscription for the user.
- (KiiPushSubscription *)pushSubscription
Return Value
An instance of a working KiiPushSubscription
Get or create a push subscription for the user.
Declared In
Set identity data to pseudo user.
- (void)putIdentityData:(KiiIdentityData *)identityData userFields:(nullable KiiUserFields *)userFields password:(NSString *)password block:(KiiUserBlock)block
- identityData
Identity data must not be nil.
- userFields
Optional. If nil is passed, display name, country and other custom field would not be update. To update those fields, create UserFields instance and pass to this API. fields which is not included in this instance
- password
Password must not be nil. password must match a following regular expression: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,64}$
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. must not be nil. See example.
Set identity data to pseudo user.
This user must be current user. password is mandatory and needs to provide at least one of login name, email address or phone number. Before call this method, calling refreshing method such as refreshWithBlock: is necessary to keep custom fields, otherwise custom fields will be gone. This method is non-blocking.
[pseudoUser putIdentityData:identity
block:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if (error != nil) {
// fail to putIdentity. notify to user.
// success to putIdentity.
Note: This method is exclusive to logged-in pseudo user. If you use this method by non logged-in user, then this method fails and notifies NSError.
- NSInvalidArgumentException
block is nil.
- NSInternalInconsistencyException
raised when this user is not a pseudo user.
Declared In
Set identity data to pseudo user.
- (BOOL)putIdentityDataSynchronous:(KiiIdentityData *)identityData userFields:(nullable KiiUserFields *)userFields password:(NSString *)password error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- identityData
Identity data must not be nil.
- userFields
Optional. If nil is passed, display name, country and other custom field would not be update. To update those fields, create UserFields instance and pass to this API. fields which is not included in this instance
- password
Password must not be nil. password must match a following regular expression: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,64}$
- error
An NSError object, can be nil but not recommended.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Set identity data to pseudo user.
This user must be current user. password is mandatory and needs to provide at least one of login name, email address or phone number. Before call this method, calling refreshing method such as refreshWithBlock: is necessary to keep custom fields, otherwise custom fields will be gone.
Note: This method is exclusive to logged-in pseudo user. If you use this method by non logged-in user, then this method fails and notifies NSError.
- NSInvalidArgumentException
One or more arguments are invalid.
- NSInternalInconsistencyException
Current user is not pseudo user.
Declared In
Asynchronously updates the local user’s data with the user data on the server
- (void)refresh:(id)delegate withCallback:(SEL)callback
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) userRefreshed:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Asynchronously updates the local user’s data with the user data on the server
The user must exist on the server. Local data will be overwritten.
Declared In
Synchronously updates the local user’s data with the user data on the server
- (BOOL)refreshSynchronous:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Synchronously updates the local user’s data with the user data on the server
The user must exist on the server. Local data will be overwritten. This is a blocking method.
Declared In
Asynchronously updates the local user’s data with the user data on the server
- (void)refreshWithBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Asynchronously updates the local user’s data with the user data on the server
The user must exist on the server. Local data will be overwritten.
[u refreshWithBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"User refreshed: %@", user);
Declared In
Removes a specific key/value pair from the object If the key exists, the key/value will be removed from the object.
- (void)removeObjectForKey:(NSString *)key
- key
The key of the key/value pair that will be removed.
Removes a specific key/value pair from the object If the key exists, the key/value will be removed from the object.
Note: Since version 2.1.30, the behavior of this API has been changed. This method just removes the key-value pair from the local cache but no longer sets empty string (@“”) to the key and does not send specified key-value pair to the cloud when the update method ([KiiUser updateWithIdentityDataSynchronous:userFields:error:] etc.) is called. If you want to have same effect as previous, please execute setObject:forKey: with empty string (@“”) passed to the object explicitly.
Declared In
Asynchronously resend the email verification
- (void)resendEmailVerification:(id)delegate andCallback:(SEL)callback
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) verificationCodeReSent:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Asynchronously resend the email verification
This method is used to resend the email verification for the currently logged in user. This is a non-blocking method.
Declared In
Synchronously resend the email verification
- (BOOL)resendEmailVerificationSynchronous:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Synchronously resend the email verification
This method will re-send the email verification to the currently logged in user. This is a blocking method.
Declared In
Asynchronously resend the email verification
- (void)resendEmailVerificationWithBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Asynchronously resend the email verification
This method is used to resend the email verification for the currently logged in user. This is a non-blocking method.
[u resendEmailVerificationWithBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"Email verification resent!");
Declared In
Asynchronously resend the phone number verification
- (void)resendPhoneNumberVerification:(id)delegate andCallback:(SEL)callback
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) verificationCodeReSent:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Asynchronously resend the phone number verification
This method is used to resend the phone number verification for the currently logged in user. This is a non-blocking method.
Declared In
Synchronously resend the phone number verification
- (BOOL)resendPhoneNumberVerificationSynchronous:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Synchronously resend the phone number verification
This method will re-send the SMS verification to the currently logged in user. This is a blocking method.
Declared In
Asynchronously resend the phone number verification
- (void)resendPhoneNumberVerificationWithBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Asynchronously resend the phone number verification
This method is used to re-send the SMS verification for the currently logged in user. This is a non-blocking method.
[u resendPhoneNumberVerificationWithBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"SMS verification resent!");
Declared In
Asynchronously saves the latest user values to the server (Deprecated: This method is deprecated. Use [KiiUser updateWithIdentityData:userFields:block:] instead.)
- (void)save:(id)delegate withCallback:(SEL)callback
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) userSaved:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Asynchronously saves the latest user values to the server
The user must exist in order to make this method call. If the user does exist, the application-specific fields that have changed will be updated accordingly. This is a non-blocking method.
Declared In
Synchronously saves the latest user values to the server (Deprecated: This method is deprecated. Use [KiiUser updateWithIdentityDataSynchronous:userFields:error:] instead.)
- (BOOL)saveSynchronous:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Synchronously saves the latest user values to the server
The user must exist in order to make this method call. If the user does exist, the application-specific fields that have changed will be updated accordingly. This is a blocking method.
Declared In
Asynchronously saves the latest user values to the server (Deprecated: This method is deprecated. Use [KiiUser updateWithIdentityData:userFields:block:] instead.)
- (void)saveWithBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Asynchronously saves the latest user values to the server
The user must exist in order to make this method call. If the user does exist, the application-specific fields that have changed will be updated accordingly. This is a non-blocking method.
[u saveWithBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"User saved: %@", user);
Declared In
Sets a key/value pair to a KiiUser
- (BOOL)setObject:(nullable id)object forKey:(NSString *)key
- object
The value to be set. Object must be of a JSON-encodable type (Ex: NSDictionary, NSArray, NSString, NSNumber, etc)
- key
The key to set. The key must not begin with an underscore (_)
Return Value
True if the object was set, false otherwise.
Sets a key/value pair to a KiiUser
If the key already exists, its value will be written over. If the object is of invalid type, it will return false and an NSError will be thrown (quietly). Accepted types are any JSON-encodable objects.
Declared In
Get or create a Push notification topic at the user level
- (KiiTopic *)topicWithName:(NSString *)topicName
- topicName
The name of the topic you’d like to use. It has to match the pattern ^[A-Za-z0-9-]{1,64}$, that is letters, numbers, ‘-’ and ‘’ and non-multibyte characters with a length between 1 and 64 characters.
Return Value
An instance of a working KiiTopic
Get or create a Push notification topic at the user level
Declared In
Asynchronously update a user’s password on the server
- (void)updatePassword:(NSString *)fromPassword to:(NSString *)toPassword withBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- fromPassword
The user’s current password
- toPassword
The user’s desired password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Asynchronously update a user’s password on the server
Update a user’s password with the server. The fromPassword must be equal to the current password associated with the account in order to succeed. This method is non-blocking.
[user updatePassword:@"current_password"
withBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"Updated user password: %@", user);
Declared In
Asynchronously update a user’s password on the server
- (void)updatePassword:(NSString *)fromPassword to:(NSString *)toPassword withDelegate:(id)delegate andCallback:(SEL)callback
- fromPassword
The user’s current password
- toPassword
The user’s desired password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
- (void) passwordUpdateComplete:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Asynchronously update a user’s password on the server
Update a user’s password with the server. The fromPassword must be equal to the current password associated with the account in order to succeed. This method is non-blocking.
Declared In
Use [KiiUser updatePasswordSynchronous:newPassword:error:] instead. (Deprecated: Use [KiiUser updatePasswordSynchronous:newPassword:error:] instead.)
- (BOOL)updatePasswordSynchronous:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error from:(NSString *)fromPassword to:(NSString *)toPassword
Declared In
Synchronously update a user’s password on the server
- (BOOL)updatePasswordSynchronous:(NSString *)password newPassword:(NSString *)newPassword error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- password
The user’s current password
- newPassword
The user’s desired password. Password must be 4-50 characters and can include these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $, %, ^, and &.
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Synchronously update a user’s password on the server
Update a user’s password with the server. The password must be equal to the current password associated with the account in order to succeed. This method is blocking.
Declared In
Asynchronously update user attributes.
- (void)updateWithIdentityData:(nullable KiiIdentityData *)identityData userFields:(nullable KiiUserFields *)userFields block:(KiiUserBlock)block
- identityData
Optional. If nil is passed, Identity data would not be updated and current value would be retained.
- userFields
Optional. If nil is passed, display name, country and other custom field would not be set. To set those fields, create UserFields instance and pass to this API. fields which is not included in this instance
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example. @exception NSInvalidArgumentException If this user is not pseudo user, raised when Both of identityData and userFields are nil. block should not be nil for both pseudo user and non pseudo user.
Asynchronously update user attributes.
This method is exclusive to logged-in user. If you use this method by non logged-in user, then this method fails and notifies NSError.
If this user is pseudo user and valid identityData given, execlution is failed and NSError is passed as KiiUserBlock argument.
Local modification done by
and other setter methods in will be ignored. Please make sure to set new values in KiiUserFields. At least one of identityData or userFields must be set.
[pseudoUser updateWithIdentityData:identityData userFields:userFields block:^(KiiUser user, NSError error) { if (error != nil) { // fail to update. notify to user. return; } // success to update. } ];
Declared In
Synchronously update user attributes.
- (BOOL)updateWithIdentityDataSynchronous:(nullable KiiIdentityData *)identityData userFields:(nullable KiiUserFields *)userFields error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- identityData
Optional. If nil is passed, Identity data would not be updated and current value would be retained.
- userFields
Optional. If nil is passed, display name, country and other custom field would not be set. To set those fields, create UserFields instance and pass to this API. fields which is not included in this instance
- error
An NSError object, can be nil but not recommended.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Synchronously update user attributes.
Note: This method is exclusive to logged-in user. If you use this method by non logged-in user, then this method fails and notifies NSError.
Note: Local modification done by
Note: At least one of identityData or userFields must be set.
- NSInvalidArgumentException
If this user is pseudo user, raised when identityData is not nil. If this user is not pseudo user, raised when Both of identityData and userFields are nil.
Declared In
Asynchronously update user attributes.
- (void)updateWithUserFields:(KiiUserFields *)userFields block:(KiiUserBlock)block
- userFields
Mandatory. Must not be empty.
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example.
Asynchronously update user attributes.
Note: This method is exclusive to logged-in user. If you use this method by non logged-in user, then this method fails and notifies NSError.
Note: Local modification done by
[pseudoUser updateWithUserFields:userFields
block:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if (error != nil) {
// fail to update. notify to user.
// success to update.
- NSInvalidArgumentException
userFields and/or block is nil.
Declared In
Synchronously update user attributes.
- (BOOL)updateWithUserFieldsSynchronous:(KiiUserFields *)userFields error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- userFields
Mandatory. Specifies which field would be updated.
- error
An NSError object, can be nil but not recommended.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Synchronously update user attributes.
Note: This method is exclusive to logged-in user. If you use this method by non logged-in user, then this method fails and notifies NSError.
Declared In
Asynchronously verify the current user’s phone number
- (void)verifyPhoneNumber:(NSString *)code withBlock:(KiiUserBlock)block
- code
The code which verifies the currently logged in user
- block
The block to be called upon method completion. See example
Asynchronously verify the current user’s phone number
This method is used to verify the phone number of the currently logged in user. This is a non-blocking method.
[u verifyPhoneNumber:@"verification_code"
withBlock:^(KiiUser *user, NSError *error) {
if(error == nil) {
NSLog(@"Verification complete!");
Declared In
Use [KiiUser verifyPhoneNumberSynchronous:error:] (Deprecated: Use [KiiUser verifyPhoneNumberSynchronous:error:])
- (BOOL)verifyPhoneNumber:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error withCode:(NSString *)code
Declared In
Asynchronously verify the current user’s phone number
- (void)verifyPhoneNumber:(NSString *)code withDelegate:(id)delegate andCallback:(SEL)callback
- code
The code which verifies the currently logged in user
- delegate
The object to make any callback requests to
- callback
The callback method to be called when the request is completed. The callback method should have a signature similar to:
Asynchronously verify the current user’s phone number
This method is used to verify the phone number of the currently logged in user. This is a non-blocking method.
See Also
[KiiUser verifyPhoneNumber:withCode:]
- (void) verificationComplete:(KiiUser*)user withError:(NSError*)error { // the request was successful if(error == nil) { // do something with the user } else { // there was a problem } }
Declared In
Synchronously verify the current user’s phone number
- (BOOL)verifyPhoneNumberSynchronous:(NSString *)code error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
- code
The code which verifies the currently logged in user
- error
used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.
Return Value
YES if succeeded, NO otherwise.
Synchronously verify the current user’s phone number
This method is used to verify the phone number of the currently logged in user. This is a blocking method.
Verification code is sent from Kii Cloud through SMS
when new user is registered with phone number or user requested to change their
phone number in the application which requires phone verification.
(You can enable/disable phone verification
through the console in
After the verification succeeded,
new phone number becomes users phone number and user is able to login with the
phone number.
To get the new phone number,
please call [KiiUser refreshSynchronous:] (or its asynchronuos version)
before access to phoneNumber.
Before completion of [KiiUser refreshSynchronous:],
value of phoneNumber is cached one.
It could be old phone number or nil.
Declared In