Bucket 内の全 Object の取得
まずは、もっとも単純な検索として Bucket 内の全ての Object を取得する例について説明します。この例では、すべての検索結果が一度に取得されることを想定しています。ページネーションなどは考慮していません。
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. let bucket = Kii.bucket(withName: "AppBucket") // Create a query that returns all KiiObjects. let allQuery = KiiQuery(clause: nil) // Create a placeholder for any paginated queries. var nextQuery : KiiQuery? do{ // Query KiiObjects. let results = try bucket.executeQuerySynchronous(allQuery, nextQuery: &nextQuery) // Do something with the result. } catch let error as NSError { // Handle the error. return }
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. let bucket = Kii.bucket(withName: "AppBucket") // Create a query that returns all KiiObjects. let allQuery = KiiQuery(clause: nil) // Create an array for storing all returned KiiObjects. var allResults = [Any]() // Query KiiObjects. bucket.execute(allQuery) { (query : KiiQuery?, bucket : KiiBucket, results : [Any]?, nextQuery : KiiQuery?, error : Error?) -> Void in if error != nil { // Handle the error. return } // Do something with the result. }
NSError *error = nil; // Prepare the target bucket to be queried. KiiBucket *bucket = [Kii bucketWithName:@"AppBucket"]; // Create a query that returns all KiiObjects. KiiQuery *allQuery = [KiiQuery queryWithClause:nil]; // Create a placeholder for any paginated queries. KiiQuery *nextQuery; // Query KiiObjects. NSArray *results = [bucket executeQuerySynchronous:allQuery withError:&error andNext:&nextQuery]; if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Do something with the result.
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. KiiBucket *bucket = [Kii bucketWithName:@"AppBucket"]; // Create a query that returns all KiiObjects. KiiQuery *allQuery = [KiiQuery queryWithClause:nil]; // Query KiiObjects. [bucket executeQuery:allQuery withBlock:^(KiiQuery *query, KiiBucket *bucket, NSArray *results, KiiQuery *nextQuery, NSError *error) { if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Do something with the result. }];
を何も指定せずに(例:nil 指定で)KiiQuery
インスタンスを作成し、"all" 検索用のクエリインスタンスを作成。- このクエリインスタンスを、検索対象 Bucket の
Bucket に対して "all" 検索を実施しているため、検索結果には Bucket 内の全ての Object が含まれます。
なお、期待どおりに取得できない場合、スコープの違い もご確認ください。
- "gender" キーの値が "Female" であり、かつ "age" キーの値が 18 より大きい。
- 結果を "age" キーの昇順でソート。
- 一度の検索実行で取得する検索結果の最大件数を 10 件に設定。
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. let bucket = Kii.bucket(withName: "AppBucket") // Define clauses. let clause1 = KiiClause.equals("gender", value: "Female") let clause2 = KiiClause.equals("age", value: NSNumber(value: 18 as Int)) // Define an And clause with the above clauses. let totalClause = KiiClause.andClauses([clause1, clause2]) // Create a query with the And clause. let query = KiiQuery(clause: totalClause) // Define how to output the query result. query.sort(byAsc: "age") query.limit = 10 // Create an array for storing all returned KiiObjects. var allResults = [Any]() // Create a placeholder for any paginated queries. // If all the queried KiiObjects cannot be returned at once, // the placeholder will have a non-nil value that means // there is more data to retrieve. var nextQuery : KiiQuery? do{ // Query KiiObjects. var results = try bucket.executeQuerySynchronous(query, nextQuery: &nextQuery) // Add the KiiObjects returned by this query to the "allResults" array. allResults.append(results as AnyObject) var nextQuery2 : KiiQuery? // If there is more data to retreive if nextQuery != nil { // Query the next 10 KiiObjects with pagination. results = try bucket.executeQuerySynchronous(nextQuery!, nextQuery: &nextQuery2) // Add the KiiObjects returned by this query to the "allResults" array. allResults.append(results as AnyObject) } } catch let error as NSError { // Handle the error. return }
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. let bucket = Kii.bucket(withName: "AppBucket") // Define clauses. let clause1 = KiiClause.equals("gender", value: "Female") let clause2 = KiiClause.equals("age", value: NSNumber(value: 18 as Int)) // Define an And clause with the above clauses. let totalClause = KiiClause.andClauses([clause1, clause2]) // Create a query with the And clause. let query = KiiQuery(clause: totalClause) // Define how to output the query result. query.sort(byAsc: "age") query.limit = 10 // Create an array for storing all returned KiiObjects. var allResults = [Any]() // Query KiiObjects. bucket.execute(query) { (firstQuery : KiiQuery?, bucket : KiiBucket, results : [Any]?, nextQuery : KiiQuery?, error : Error?) -> Void in if error != nil { // Handle the error. return } // Add the KiiObjects returned by this query to the "allResults" array. allResults.append(contentsOf: results!) // If there is more data to retreive if nextQuery != nil { // Query the next 10 KiiObjects with pagination. bucket.execute(nextQuery! , with: { (query : KiiQuery?, bucket : KiiBucket, results : [Any]?, nextQuery2 , error : Error?) -> Void in if error != nil { // Handle the error. return } // Add the KiiObjects returned by this query to the "allResults" array. allResults.append(contentsOf: results!) }) } }
NSError *error = nil; // Prepare the target bucket to be queried. KiiBucket *bucket = [Kii bucketWithName:@"AppBucket"]; // Define clauses. KiiClause *clause1 = [KiiClause equals:@"gender" value:@"Female"]; KiiClause *clause2 = [KiiClause greaterThan:@"age" value:[NSNumber numberWithInt:18]]; // Define an And clause with the above clauses. KiiClause *totalClause = [KiiClause andClauses:@[clause1, clause2]]; // Create a query with the And clause. KiiQuery *query = [KiiQuery queryWithClause:totalClause]; // Define how to output the query result. [query sortByAsc:@"age"]; [query setLimit:10]; // Create an array for storing all returned KiiObjects. NSMutableArray *allResults = [NSMutableArray array]; // Create a placeholder for any paginated queries. // If all the queried KiiObjects cannot be returned at once, // the placeholder will have a non-nil value that means // there is more data to retrieve. KiiQuery *nextQuery = nil; // Query KiiObjects. NSArray *results = [bucket executeQuerySynchronous:query withError:&error andNext:&nextQuery]; if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Add the KiiObjects returned by this query to the "allResults" array. [allResults addObjectsFromArray:results]; // If there is more data to retrieve if (nextQuery != nil) { KiiQuery *nextQuery2 = nil; // Query the next 10 KiiObjects with pagination. results = [bucket executeQuerySynchronous:nextQuery withError:&error andNext:&nextQuery2]; if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Add the KiiObjects returned by this query to the "allResults" array. [allResults addObjectsFromArray:results]; }
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. KiiBucket *bucket = [Kii bucketWithName:@"AppBucket"]; // Define clauses. KiiClause *clause1 = [KiiClause equals:@"gender" value:@"Female"]; KiiClause *clause2 = [KiiClause greaterThan:@"age" value:[NSNumber numberWithInt:18]]; // Define an And clause with the above clauses. KiiClause *totalClause = [KiiClause andClauses:@[clause1, clause2]]; // Create a query with the And clause. KiiQuery *query = [KiiQuery queryWithClause:totalClause]; // Define how to output the query result. [query sortByAsc:@"age"]; [query setLimit:10]; // Create an array for storing all returned KiiObjects. NSMutableArray *allResults = [NSMutableArray array]; // Query KiiObjects. [bucket executeQuery:query withBlock:^(KiiQuery *query, KiiBucket *bucket, NSArray *results, KiiQuery *nextQuery, NSError *error) { if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Add the KiiObjects returned by this query to the "allResults" array. [allResults addObjectsFromArray:results]; // If there is more data to retrieve if (nextQuery != nil) { // Query the next 10 KiiObjects with pagination. [bucket executeQuery:nextQuery withBlock:^(KiiQuery *query, KiiBucket *bucket, NSArray *results, KiiQuery *nextQuery, NSError *error) { if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Add the KiiObjects returned by this query to the "allResults" array. [allResults addObjectsFromArray:results]; }]; } }];
インスタンスを指定して検索対象 Bucket のexecute(_:_:)
メソッドを実行し、検索を実施。- KiiObject の NSArray として返却された検索結果をパース(今回の例では、検索結果を結果保存用の
- 検索結果のパース終了後、検索結果とともに返却された
インスタンス(nextQuery)の内容を確認。 - 返却された
メソッドを実行し、次の検索結果 10 件を含むKiiQueryResult
次に、位置情報に基づく Object 検索を行う例を挙げます。
まず、以下のように "location" というフィールドに GeoPoint を持つ Object が存在するものとします。
let user = KiiUser.current()! let bucket = user.bucket(withName: "MyBucket") // Create a KiiObject. let object = bucket.createObject() let point = KiiGeoPoint(latitude: 35.661561, andLongitude: 139.769595) object.setGeoPoint(point, forKey: "location") do{ // Save the KiiObject. try object.saveSynchronous() } catch let error as NSError { // Handle the error. return }
let user = KiiUser.current()! let bucket = user.bucket(withName: "MyBucket") // Create a KiiObject. let object = bucket.createObject() let point = KiiGeoPoint(latitude: 35.661561, andLongitude: 139.769595) object.setGeoPoint(point, forKey: "location") // Save the KiiObject. object.save { (object : KiiObject?, error : Error?) -> Void in if error != nil { // Handle the error. return } }
NSError *error = nil; KiiUser *user = [KiiUser currentUser]; KiiBucket *bucket = [user bucketWithName:@"MyBucket"]; // Create a KiiObject. KiiObject *object = [bucket createObject]; KiiGeoPoint *point = [[KiiGeoPoint alloc] initWithLatitude:35.661561 andLongitude:139.769595]; [object setGeoPoint:point forKey:@"location"]; // Save the KiiObject. [object saveSynchronous:&error]; if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; }
KiiUser *user = [KiiUser currentUser]; KiiBucket *bucket = [user bucketWithName:@"MyBucket"]; // Create a KiiObject. KiiObject *object = [bucket createObject]; KiiGeoPoint *point = [[KiiGeoPoint alloc] initWithLatitude:35.661561 andLongitude:139.769595]; [object setGeoPoint:point forKey:@"location"]; // Save the KiiObject. [object saveWithBlock:^(KiiObject *object, NSError *error) { if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } }];
GeoBox(長方形エリア)による Object 検索を行うには、以下の様な処理を行います。
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. let user = KiiUser.current()! let bucket = user.bucket(withName: "MyBucket") // Define a GeoBox clause with northeast and southwest points. let sw = KiiGeoPoint(latitude: 35.658603, andLongitude: 139.745433) let ne = KiiGeoPoint(latitude: 36.069082, andLongitude: 140.07843) let clause = KiiClause.geoBox("location", northEast: sw, southWest: ne) // Create a query with the GeoBox clause. let query = KiiQuery(clause: clause) // Create a placeholder for any paginated queries. var nextQuery : KiiQuery? do{ // Query KiiObjects. let results = try bucket.executeQuerySynchronous(query, nextQuery: &nextQuery) // Do something with the result. } catch let error as NSError { // Handle the error. return }
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. let user = KiiUser.current()! let bucket = user.bucket(withName: "MyBucket") // Define a GeoBox clause with northeast and southwest points. let sw = KiiGeoPoint(latitude: 35.658603, andLongitude: 139.745433) let ne = KiiGeoPoint(latitude: 36.069082, andLongitude: 140.07843) let clause = KiiClause.geoBox("location", northEast: sw, southWest: ne) // Create a query with the GeoBox clause. let query = KiiQuery(clause: clause) // Query KiiObjects. bucket.execute(query) { (query : KiiQuery?, bucket : KiiBucket, results : [Any]?, nextQuery : KiiQuery?, error : Error?) -> Void in if error != nil { // Handle the error. return } // Do something with the result. }
NSError *error = nil; // Prepare the target bucket to be queried. KiiUser *user = [KiiUser currentUser]; KiiBucket *bucket = [user bucketWithName:@"MyBucket"]; // Define a GeoBox clause with northeast and southwest points. KiiGeoPoint *sw = [[KiiGeoPoint alloc] initWithLatitude:35.52105 andLongitude:139.699402]; KiiGeoPoint *ne = [[KiiGeoPoint alloc] initWithLatitude:36.069082 andLongitude:140.07843]; KiiClause *clause = [KiiClause geoBox:@"location" northEast:ne southWest:sw]; // Create a query with the GeoBox clause. KiiQuery *query = [KiiQuery queryWithClause:clause]; // Create a placeholder for any paginated queries. KiiQuery *next = nil; // Query KiiObjects. NSArray *results = [bucket executeQuerySynchronous:query withError:&error andNext:&next]; if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Do something with the result.
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. KiiUser *user = [KiiUser currentUser]; KiiBucket *bucket = [user bucketWithName:@"MyBucket"]; // Define a GeoBox clause with northeast and southwest points. KiiGeoPoint *sw = [[KiiGeoPoint alloc] initWithLatitude:35.52105 andLongitude:139.699402]; KiiGeoPoint *ne = [[KiiGeoPoint alloc] initWithLatitude:36.069082 andLongitude:140.07843]; KiiClause *clause = [KiiClause geoBox:@"location" northEast:ne southWest:sw]; // Create a query with the GeoBox clause. KiiQuery *query = [KiiQuery queryWithClause:clause]; // Query KiiObjects. [bucket executeQuery:query withBlock:^(KiiQuery *query, KiiBucket *bucket, NSArray *results, KiiQuery *nextQuery, NSError *error) { if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Do something with the result. }];
この例のように、GeoBox の検索条件は北東点と南西点を表す GeoPoint を指定して geoBox(_:northEast:southWest:)
次に、GeoDistance(円エリア)による Object 検索を行う処理例を以下に示します。この例では 2 つの GeoDistance を定義しており、これら 2 つの GeoDistance が交わるエリアにマッチする Object を検索しています。また、検索結果を片方の GeoDistance の中心点より近い順にソートしています。
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. let user = KiiUser.current()! let bucket = user.bucket(withName: "MyBucket") // Define the first GeoDistance clause. let center1 = KiiGeoPoint(latitude: 35.658603, andLongitude: 139.745433) let clause1 = KiiClause.geoDistance("location", center: center1, radius: 3000, putDistanceInto: "distance_from_center1") // Define the second GeoDistance clause. let center2 = KiiGeoPoint(latitude: 35.681382, andLongitude: 139.766084) let clause2 = KiiClause.geoDistance("location", center: center2, radius: 3000, putDistanceInto: nil) // Create a query with the GeoDistance clauses and set the sort order. let totalClause = KiiClause.andClauses([clause1, clause2]) let query = KiiQuery(clause: totalClause) query.sort(byAsc: "_calculated.distance_from_center1") // Create an array for storing all returned KiiObjects. var allResults = [Any]() // Create a placeholder for any paginated queries. var nextQuery : KiiQuery? do{ // Query KiiObjects. let results = try bucket.executeQuerySynchronous(query, nextQuery: &nextQuery) // Add the KiiObjects returned by this query to the "allResults" array. allResults.append(results as AnyObject) } catch let error as NSError { // Handle the error. return } // Get the distance from the center to the location. let retObject = allResults[0] as! KiiObject let retPoint = retObject.getForKey("location") let calc = retObject.getForKey("_calculated") as! NSDictionary let distance = calc.object(forKey: "distance_from_center1") as! NSDecimalNumber
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. let user = KiiUser.current()! let bucket = user.bucket(withName: "MyBucket") // Define the first GeoDistance clause. let center1 = KiiGeoPoint(latitude: 35.658603, andLongitude: 139.745433) let clause1 = KiiClause.geoDistance("location", center: center1, radius: 3000, putDistanceInto: "distance_from_center1") // Define the second GeoDistance clause. let center2 = KiiGeoPoint(latitude: 35.681382, andLongitude: 139.766084) let clause2 = KiiClause.geoDistance("location", center: center2, radius: 3000, putDistanceInto: nil) // Create a query with the GeoDistance clauses and set the sort order. let totalClause = KiiClause.andClauses([clause1,clause2]) let query = KiiQuery(clause: totalClause) query.sort(byAsc: "_calculated.distance_from_center1") // Create an array for storing all returned KiiObjects. var allResults = [Any]() // Query KiiObjects. bucket.execute(query) { (query : KiiQuery?, bucket : KiiBucket, results : [Any]?, nextQuery : KiiQuery?, error : Error?) -> Void in if error != nil { // Handle the error. return } // Add the KiiObjects returned by this query to the "allResults" array. allResults.append(contentsOf: results!) // Get the distance from the center to the location. let retObject = allResults[0] as! KiiObject let retPoint = retObject.getForKey("location") let calc = retObject.getForKey("_calculated") as! NSDictionary let distance = calc.object(forKey: "distance_from_center1") as! NSDecimalNumber }
NSError *error = nil; // Prepare the target bucket to be queried. KiiUser *user = [KiiUser currentUser]; KiiBucket *bucket = [user bucketWithName:@"MyBucket"]; // Define the first GeoDistance clause. KiiGeoPoint *center1 = [[KiiGeoPoint alloc] initWithLatitude:35.658603 andLongitude:139.745433]; KiiClause *clause1 = [KiiClause geoDistance:@"location" center:center1 radius:3000 putDistanceInto:@"distance_from_center1"]; // Define the second GeoDistance clause. KiiGeoPoint *center2 = [[KiiGeoPoint alloc] initWithLatitude:35.681382 andLongitude:139.766084]; KiiClause *clause2 = [KiiClause geoDistance:@"location" center:center2 radius:3000 putDistanceInto:nil]; // Create a query with the GeoDistance clauses and set the sort order. KiiClause *totalClause = [KiiClause andClauses:@[clause1, clause2]]; KiiQuery *query = [KiiQuery queryWithClause:totalClause]; [query sortByAsc:@"_calculated.distance_from_center1"]; // Create an array for storing all returned KiiObjects. NSMutableArray *allResults = [NSMutableArray array]; // Create a placeholder for any paginated queries. KiiQuery *next = nil; // Query KiiObjects. NSArray *results = [bucket executeQuerySynchronous:query withError:&error andNext:&next]; if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Add the KiiObjects returned by this query to the "allResults" array. [allResults addObjectsFromArray:results]; // Get the distance from the center to the location. KiiObject *retObj = [allResults objectAtIndex:0]; KiiGeoPoint *retPoint = [retObj getGeoPointForKey:@"location"]; NSDictionary* calc = [retObj getObjectForKey:@"_calculated"]; NSDecimalNumber *distance = [calc objectForKey:@"distance_from_center1"];
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. KiiUser *user = [KiiUser currentUser]; KiiBucket *bucket = [user bucketWithName:@"MyBucket"]; // Define the first GeoDistance clause. KiiGeoPoint *center1 = [[KiiGeoPoint alloc] initWithLatitude:35.658603 andLongitude:139.745433]; KiiClause *clause1 = [KiiClause geoDistance:@"location" center:center1 radius:3000 putDistanceInto:@"distance_from_center1"]; // Define the second GeoDistance clause. KiiGeoPoint *center2 = [[KiiGeoPoint alloc] initWithLatitude:35.681382 andLongitude:139.766084]; KiiClause *clause2 = [KiiClause geoDistance:@"location" center:center2 radius:3000 putDistanceInto:nil]; // Create a query with the GeoDistance clauses and set the sort order. KiiClause *totalClause = [KiiClause andClauses:@[clause1, clause2]]; KiiQuery *query = [KiiQuery queryWithClause:totalClause]; [query sortByAsc:@"_calculated.distance_from_center1"]; // Create an array for storing all returned KiiObjects. NSMutableArray *allResults = [NSMutableArray array]; // Query KiiObjects. [bucket executeQuery:query withBlock:^(KiiQuery *query, KiiBucket *bucket, NSArray *results, KiiQuery *nextQuery, NSError *error) { if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Add the KiiObjects returned by this query to the "allResults" array. [allResults addObjectsFromArray:results]; // Get the distance from the center to the location. KiiObject *retObj = [allResults objectAtIndex:0]; KiiGeoPoint *retPoint = [retObj getGeoPointForKey:@"location"]; NSDictionary* calc = [retObj getObjectForKey:@"_calculated"]; NSDecimalNumber *distance = [calc objectForKey:@"distance_from_center1"]; }];
- 中心点を表す GeoPoint、半径(メートル)、中心点からの距離格納用フィールド(オプショナル)を指定し、
メソッドを実行して GeoDistance の検索条件を定義。 - 2 つの GeoDistance を
インスタンスを作成。 KiiQuery
インスタンスを指定して検索対象 Bucket のexecute(_:_:)
の NSArray として返却された検索結果をパース(今回の例では、検索結果を結果保存用のallResults
GeoDistance による検索を行った場合、検索にマッチした Object のそれぞれに対して、中心点からの距離(メートル)を Kii Cloud にセットさせることができます。今回の例では、GeoDistance1 の中心点からの距離を Kii Cloud にセットさせています。
- 距離は
メソッド実行時に指定した距離格納用フィールド(今回の例では "distance_from_center1")にセットされます。 - この距離を用いてソートを行う場合は、例のように "_calculated." の後に距離格納用フィールド名をアペンドした文字列を
メソッドに指定します。 - 検索結果より距離を取得するには、例のように Object の "_calculated" フィールドを
次のコードでは、ログイン中のユーザーによって作成された Object のうち、更新されていないものと 1 日以内に作成されたものの両方を取得する条件で検索しています。ユーザー ID や作成日時はここに示すような方法で比較できます。
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. let bucket = Kii.bucket(withName: "AppBucket") // Get values to use in query conditions. let userId = KiiUser.current()!.userID! let withinOneDay : Int64 = Int64(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 - 24 * 60 * 60) * 1000 // Define clauses with predefined keys and the query conditions. let clause1 = KiiClause.equals("_owner", value: userId) let clause2 = KiiClause.equals("_version", value: NSNumber(value: 1 as Int)) let clause3 = KiiClause.equals("_created", value: NSNumber(value: withinOneDay as Int64)) // Define an And clause with the above clauses. let totalClause = KiiClause.andClauses([clause1, clause2, clause3]) // Create a query with the And clause. let query = KiiQuery(clause: totalClause) // Define how to output the query result. query.sort(byAsc: "_created") query.limit = 10 // Create a placeholder for any paginated queries. var nextQuery : KiiQuery? do{ // Query KiiObjects. let results = try bucket.executeQuerySynchronous(query, nextQuery: &nextQuery) // Do something with the result. } catch let error as NSError { // Handle the error. return }
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. let bucket = Kii.bucket(withName: "AppBucket") // Get values to use in query conditions. let userId = KiiUser.current()!.userID! let withinOneDay : Int64 = Int64(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 - 24 * 60 * 60) * 1000 // Define clauses with predefined keys and the query conditions. let clause1 = KiiClause.equals("_owner", value: userId) let clause2 = KiiClause.equals("_version", value: NSNumber(value: 1 as Int)) let clause3 = KiiClause.equals("_created", value: NSNumber(value: withinOneDay as Int64)) // Define an And clause with the above clauses. let totalClause = KiiClause.andClauses([clause1, clause2, clause3]) // Create a query with the And clause. let query = KiiQuery(clause: totalClause) // Define how to output the query result. query.sort(byAsc: "_created") query.limit = 10 // Query KiiObjects. bucket.execute(query) { (query : KiiQuery?, bucket : KiiBucket, results : [Any]?, nextQuery : KiiQuery?, error : Error?) -> Void in if error != nil { // Handle the error. return } // Do something with the result. }
NSError *error = nil; // Prepare the target bucket to be queried. KiiBucket *bucket = [Kii bucketWithName:@"AppBucket"]; // Get values to use in query conditions. NSString* userId = [[KiiUser currentUser] userID]; long long withinOneDay = (long long) (([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] - 24 * 60 * 60) * 1000); // Define clauses with predefined keys and the query conditions. KiiClause *clause1 = [KiiClause equals:@"_owner" value:userId]; KiiClause *clause2 = [KiiClause equals:@"_version" value:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1]]; KiiClause *clause3 = [KiiClause greaterThan:@"_created" value:[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:withinOneDay]]; // Define an And clause with the above clauses. KiiClause *totalClause = [KiiClause andClauses:@[clause1, [KiiClause orClauses:@[clause2, clause3]]]]; // Create a query with the And clause. KiiQuery *query = [KiiQuery queryWithClause:totalClause]; // Define how to output the query result. [query sortByAsc:@"_created"]; [query setLimit:10]; // Create a placeholder for any paginated queries. KiiQuery *nextQuery = nil; // Query KiiObjects. NSArray *results = [bucket executeQuerySynchronous:allQuery withError:&error andNext:&nextQuery]; if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Do something with the result.
NSError *error = nil; // Prepare the target bucket to be queried. KiiBucket *bucket = [Kii bucketWithName:@"AppBucket"]; // Get values to use in query conditions. NSString* userId = [[KiiUser currentUser] userID]; long long withinOneDay = (long long) (([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] - 24 * 60 * 60) * 1000); // Define clauses with predefined keys and the query conditions. KiiClause *clause1 = [KiiClause equals:@"_owner" value:userId]; KiiClause *clause2 = [KiiClause equals:@"_version" value:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1]]; KiiClause *clause3 = [KiiClause greaterThan:@"_created" value:[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:withinOneDay]]; // Define an And clause with the above clauses. KiiClause *totalClause = [KiiClause andClauses:@[clause1, [KiiClause orClauses:@[clause2, clause3]]]]; // Create a query with the And clause. KiiQuery *query = [KiiQuery queryWithClause:totalClause]; // Define how to output the query result. [query sortByAsc:@"_created"]; [query setLimit:10]; // Query KiiObjects. [bucket executeQuery:allQuery withBlock:^(KiiQuery *query, KiiBucket *bucket, NSArray *results, KiiQuery *nextQuery, NSError *error) { if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Do something with the result. }];
特定のフィールド名および型を指定した検索の例を挙げます。Object にはさまざまなカスタムフィールドを持たせることができ、名前と型が必ずしも一様ではなくなる可能性があります。hasField(_:andType:)
句で検索対象を絞り込み、特定の型のフィールドを持つ Object のみを取得できます。
次のサンプルコードでは、省略可能な promotionalCode
フィールドを持つ Object のみを取得します。
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. let bucket = Kii.bucket(withName: "AppBucket") // Create a clause with a specific field and a type. let hasFieldClause = KiiClause.hasField("promotionalCode", fieldType: .String) // Create a query with the above clause. let hasFieldQuery = KiiQuery(clause: hasFieldClause) // Create a placeholder for any paginated queries. var nextQuery : KiiQuery? do{ // Query KiiObjects. let results = try bucket.executeQuerySynchronous(hasFieldQuery, nextQuery: &nextQuery) // Do something with the result. } catch let error as NSError { // Handle the error. return }
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. let bucket = Kii.bucket(withName: "AppBucket") // Create a clause with a specific field and a type. let hasFieldClause = KiiClause.hasField("promotionalCode", fieldType: .String) // Create a query with the above clause. let hasFieldQuery = KiiQuery(clause: hasFieldClause) // Query KiiObjects. bucket.execute(hasFieldQuery) { (query : KiiQuery?, bucket : KiiBucket, results : [Any]?, nextQuery : KiiQuery?, error : Error?) -> Void in if error != nil { // Handle the error. return } // Do something with the result. }
NSError *error = nil; // Prepare the target bucket to be queried. KiiBucket *bucket = [Kii bucketWithName:@"AppBucket"]; // Create a clause with a specific field and a type. KiiClause *hasFieldclause = [KiiClause hasField:@"promotionalCode" fieldType:KiiFieldTypeString]; // Create a query with the above clause. KiiQuery *hasFieldQuery = [KiiQuery queryWithClause:hasFieldclause]; // Create a placeholder for any paginated queries. KiiQuery *nextQuery; // Query KiiObjects. NSArray *results = [bucket executeQuerySynchronous:hasFieldQuery withError:&error andNext:&nextQuery]; if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Do something with the result.
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. KiiBucket *bucket = [Kii bucketWithName:@"AppBucket"]; // Create a clause with a specific field and a type. KiiClause *hasFieldClause = [KiiClause hasField:@"promotionalCode" fieldType:KiiFieldTypeString]; // Create a query with the above clause. KiiQuery *hasFieldQuery = [KiiQuery queryWithClause:hasFieldClause]; // Query KiiObjects. [bucket executeQuery:hasFieldQuery withBlock:^(KiiQuery *query, KiiBucket *bucket, NSArray *results, KiiQuery *nextQuery, NSError *error) { if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Do something with the result. }];
Not 句による検索
Not 句による検索の例を挙げます。長方形のエリアを指定して、その外部に位置する Object を検索します。
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. let user = KiiUser.current()! let bucket = user.bucket(withName: "MyBucket") // Define a GeoBox clause with northeast and southwest points. let sw = KiiGeoPoint(latitude: 35.658603, andLongitude: 139.745433) let ne = KiiGeoPoint(latitude: 36.069082, andLongitude: 140.07843) let notInTheBoxClause = KiiClause.geoBox("location", northEast: sw, southWest: ne) // Define a not clause with the Geobox clause. let notInTheBoxClause = KiiClause.notClause(geoBoxClause) // Create a query with the Not clause. let query = KiiQuery(clause: notInTheBoxClause) // Create a placeholder for any paginated queries. var nextQuery : KiiQuery? do{ // Query KiiObjects. let results = try bucket.executeQuerySynchronous(query, nextQuery: &nextQuery) // Do something with the result. } catch let error as NSError { // Handle the error. return }
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. let user = KiiUser.current()! let bucket = user.bucket(withName: "MyBucket") // Define a GeoBox clause with northeast and southwest points. let sw = KiiGeoPoint(latitude: 35.658603, andLongitude: 139.745433) let ne = KiiGeoPoint(latitude: 36.069082, andLongitude: 140.07843) let notInTheBoxClause = KiiClause.geoBox("location", northEast: sw, southWest: ne) // Define a Not clause with the Geobox clause. let notInTheBoxClause = KiiClause.notClause(geoBoxClause) // Create a query with the Not clause. let query = KiiQuery(clause: notInTheBoxClause) // Query KiiObjects. bucket.execute(query) { (query : KiiQuery?, bucket : KiiBucket, results : [Any]?, nextQuery : KiiQuery?, error : Error?) -> Void in if error != nil { // Handle the error. return } // Do something with the result. }
NSError *error = nil; // Prepare the target bucket to be queried. KiiUser *user = [KiiUser currentUser]; KiiBucket *bucket = [user bucketWithName:@"MyBucket"]; // Define a GeoBox clause with northeast and southwest points. KiiGeoPoint *sw = [[KiiGeoPoint alloc] initWithLatitude:35.52105 andLongitude:139.699402]; KiiGeoPoint *ne = [[KiiGeoPoint alloc] initWithLatitude:36.069082 andLongitude:140.07843]; KiiClause *geoBoxclause = [KiiClause geoBox:@"location" northEast:ne southWest:sw]; // Define a not clause with the Geobox clause. KiiClause *notInTheBoxClause = [KiiClause notClause:geoBoxclause]; // Create a query with the Not clause. KiiQuery *query = [KiiQuery queryWithClause:notInTheBoxClause]; // Create a placeholder for any paginated queries. KiiQuery *next = nil; // Query KiiObjects. NSArray *results = [bucket executeQuerySynchronous:query withError:&error andNext:&next]; if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Do something with the result.
// Prepare the target bucket to be queried. KiiUser *user = [KiiUser currentUser]; KiiBucket *bucket = [user bucketWithName:@"MyBucket"]; // Define a GeoBox clause with northeast and southwest points. KiiGeoPoint *sw = [[KiiGeoPoint alloc] initWithLatitude:35.52105 andLongitude:139.699402]; KiiGeoPoint *ne = [[KiiGeoPoint alloc] initWithLatitude:36.069082 andLongitude:140.07843]; KiiClause *geoBoxclause = [KiiClause geoBox:@"location" northEast:ne southWest:sw]; // Define a not clause with the Geobox clause. KiiClause *notInTheBoxClause = [KiiClause notClause:geoBoxclause]; // Create a query with the Not clause. KiiQuery *query = [KiiQuery queryWithClause:notInTheBoxClause]; // Query KiiObjects. [bucket executeQuery:query withBlock:^(KiiQuery *query, KiiBucket *bucket, NSArray *results, KiiQuery *nextQuery, NSError *error) { if (error != nil) { // Handle the error. return; } // Do something with the result. }];
を含むクエリーでは、パフォーマンスが低下することがありますが、式の変形によって notClause(_:)
の使用を回避できる場合があります。詳細は Not を含む式の変形 を参照してください。