Inherits from NSObject
Declared in KiiAnyAuthenticatedUser.h


Represent any authenticated user for setting the ACL of an object. This will include anyone using the application who has registered and authenticated in the current session.

When retrieving ACL from an object, test for this class to determine the subject type. Example:

if([acl.subject isKindOfClass:[KiiAnyAuthenticatedUser class]]) {
    // the ACL is set for any authenticated users

Class Methods


Represent any authenticated user when setting an ACL

+ (nonnull KiiAnyAuthenticatedUser *)aclSubject


Represent any authenticated user when setting an ACL

KiiACLEntry *entryAnon = [KiiACLEntry entryWithSubject:[KiiAnyAuthenticatedUser aclSubject] andAction:KiiACLFileActionRead];
entry.grant = TRUE;
[objACL putACLEntry:entryAnon];

Declared In
