Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to KiiRTransferManaging
Declared in KiiRTransferManager.h


Manages status of resumable transfer.

Instance Methods


Download entries are stored with identifier of KiiUser who execute the download. This API get existing download entries initiated by specified user. If specified user is nil, it will list download entries initiated by anonymous user. This is blocking method.

- (nullable NSArray *)getDownloadEntriesByInitiator:(nullable KiiUser *)user withError:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error



KiiUser who execute the download.


used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.

Return Value

NSArray download entries array that status is ONGOING and SUSPENDED.


Download entries are stored with identifier of KiiUser who execute the download. This API get existing download entries initiated by specified user. If specified user is nil, it will list download entries initiated by anonymous user. This is blocking method.

Entry Life cycle: The entry will be created on calling [KiiRTransfer transferWithProgressBlock:andError:] and deleted on completion/termination of download.

Declared In



Upload entries are stored with identifier of KiiUser who execute the upload. This API get existing upload entries initiated by specified user. If specified user is nil, it will list upload entries initiated by anonymous user. By default anonymous user can not upload object body unless configure object ACL explicitly. Refer to KiiACL about the details of ACL. This is blocking method.

- (nullable NSArray *)getUploadEntriesByInitiator:(nullable KiiUser *)user withError:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error



KiiUser who execute the upload.


used to return an error by reference (pass NULL if this is not desired). It is recommended to set an actual error object to get the error information.

Return Value

NSArray Upload entries array.


Upload entries are stored with identifier of KiiUser who execute the upload. This API get existing upload entries initiated by specified user. If specified user is nil, it will list upload entries initiated by anonymous user. By default anonymous user can not upload object body unless configure object ACL explicitly. Refer to KiiACL about the details of ACL. This is blocking method.

Entry Life cycle: The entry will be created on calling [KiiRTransfer transferWithProgressBlock:andError:] and deleted on completion/termination of upload.

Declared In
