Managing Data

Kii Cloud uses Object Storage for managing data.

Object Storage stores any JSON document that contains key-value pairs. You can also associate a file with such a JSON document.

Object Storage manages JSON documents and binary files as KiiObjects. KiiObjects are created in buckets in the application scope, group scopes, or user scopes. If your application manages things, KiiObjects are created in buckets in thing scopes as well.

Kii recommends reading Mobile Features in the Getting Started guide for an overview of Object Storage before learning how to implement it.

The Kii Cloud SDK accesses a JSON document in each KiiObject as a collection of key-value pairs. You can manage JSON objects in any format according to the purpose of your application without customization of the server-side program. A file attached to a KiiObject is called an object body.

Most of the KiiObject operation with the Kii Cloud SDK is manipulation of key-value pairs. Object bodies are accessed separately by uploading and downloading them.

For example, you can create a KiiObject to store objects such as set values just by processing key-value pairs because you do not need to store such small data as an object body. If you have only a file to store in a KiiObject, you can create a KiiObject without key-value pairs specified and attach the file as the object body of the KiiObject.

Even when a KiiObject is created without key-value pairs, predefined keys for the KiiObject ID, updated time, and so on are automatically added.