Managing Users

User management is fundamental to the success of your application.  Kii Cloud provides various features to let your application onboard, manage and leverage your application's users.  All of the tasks required for standard applications are simplified by our APIs, making it easy to get your application up and running.

Purpose of managing users

Typical applications distinguish their users for providing their services. Kii Cloud provides KiiUser for easily managing your application users.

Managing users do have some other meanings:

  • Managing user scope data

    For many applications, you want to allocate dedicated regions for your application users for storing their private data. In Kii Cloud, such regions (user scope buckets) will be available once your users sign up to Kii Cloud.

  • Applying data security

    All data in Kii Cloud are secured with the access control lists (ACL). Once application users sign in, they will have access to the data on which they have access privileges. In order to leverage this feature, you need to let your users sign up and authenticate to Kii Cloud.

  • Identifying push notification target

    Kii Cloud uses KiiUser, not the devices, for identifying where to send push notifications. Your application users therefore need to sign up in order to leverage the push notification features.

  • Identifying the thing owners

    A user can own a thing and become the owner of the thing. Once the user becomes an owner, he will be able to access the data in its thing scope. Suppose that you create a fitness application and this application gathers the data monitored by things (e.g. sensors). You can bind a user with the things by making him an owner of the things. See Ownership Management for more details on the thing ownership.