Checking Results of Schedule-based Hooks

With the command line tool, you can browse the history of execution results of server code called by schedule-based hooks. The tool allows you to get a list of the execution results and also the detailed information of each result.

Listing execution results of server code

You can get a list of server code execution results that are launched by schedule-based hooks with the following command:

node bin/kii-servercode.js list-scheduled-execution \
  --site jp \
  --app-id <your_app_id> \
  --app-key <your_app_key> \
  --client-id <your_client_id> \
  --client-secret <your_client_secret> \
  --from <start_date> \
  --to <end_date> \

Here are the command options:

  • --site: The server location (jp).
  • --app-id: AppID.
  • --app-key: An arbitrary value.
  • --client-id: ClientID.
  • --client-secret: ClientSecret.
  • --from: The starting date and time from which the list will be shown (e.g. 2014-02-08).
  • --to: The ending date and time until which the list will be shown (e.g. 2014-04-30). When omitted, the current time will be applied.
  • --utc-time: Use UTC for date and time.
  • --http-proxy: (optional) Specify http proxy, in case client is running behind a firewall or cannot access directly to Kii Cloud API. Eg: https://my.proxy:8080

The date and time is to be specified either with ISO 8601 format or in YYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format. By default, the command line tool accepts the local time. If you want to use UTC, set --utc-time option.

Make sure to set the values you've got on the developer portal for --site, --app-id, --app-key, --client-id and -- client-secret. You can optionally specify the app admin token with --token instead of specifying the ClientID and ClientSecret (See Admin Features to learn how to get the app admin token).

Kii Cloud will return the list as follows:

wtwer8y 2014-01-24 12:02:45                     RUNNING moveObjectsToUserBucket
w78eryy 2014-01-23 12:02:45 2014-01-23 12:10:45 SUCCESS moveObjectsToUserBucket
gdgyg5g 2014-01-22 12:02:45 2014-01-22 12:10:45 SUCCESS cleanUpMessagesBucket
ijj4uyd 2014-01-21 12:02:45 2014-01-22 12:10:45 FAILED  deleteInactiveUsers
  • ID: The execution ID assigned to each server code execution. We will use this ID when we get the detailed results.
  • STARTED: The date and time when the execution started.
  • FINISHED: The date and time when the execution finished.
  • STATUS: The execution status (SUCCESS/FAILED/RUNNING).
  • JOB NAME: The job name assigned when you define the hook for the scheduled execution (See Schedule-based Hook for more details).

The date and time will be shown in the local time by default. If you specified --utc-time option, it will be shown in UTC.

Getting a detailed execution result

You can check the details of an execution result of server code with the following command:

node bin/kii-servercode.js get-scheduled-execution \
  --site jp \
  --app-id <your_app_id> \
  --app-key <your_app_key> \
  --client-id <your_client_id> \
  --client-secret <your_client_secret> \
  --id <id>

Here are the options you need to set:

  • --site: The server location (jp).
  • --app-id: AppID.
  • --app-key: An arbitrary value.
  • --client-id: ClientID.
  • --client-secret: ClientSecret.
  • --id: The execution ID you want to get the detail.
  • --http-proxy: (optional) Specify http proxy, in case client is running behind a firewall or cannot access directly to Kii API. Eg: https://my.proxy:8080

Make sure to set the values you've got on the developer portal for --site, --app-id, --app-key, --client-id and -- client-secret. You can optionally specify the app admin token with --token instead of specifying the ClientID and ClientSecret (See Admin Features to learn how to get the app admin token).

Kii Cloud will respond as follows:

  "scheduledExecutionID": "fdueni3d",
  "started": 123344546,
  "finished": 123233345,
  "status": "FAILED",
  "name": "deleteInactiveUsers",
  "result": "Error found while deleting user: f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6"

The following information is recorded in the "result":

  • If the auto execution succeeded, the value in the return statement will be recorded for synchronous codes. For asynchronous codes, the parameter passed to the callback function done will be recorded.
  • If the auto execution failed, the detail of the failure reason, such as the exception message, will be recorded.