Interface AuthenticateCallback

public interface AuthenticateCallback

The callback interface of authenticate.

Method Summary
 void onAuthenticated(AuthenticationContext context, Exception exception)
          Call when authenticate finished.

Method Detail


void onAuthenticated(AuthenticationContext context,
                     Exception exception)
Call when authenticate finished.

This callback method is called on main thread.

context - set AuthenticationContext object if authentication succeed. otherwise null. If this callback is called by Authority.refreshToken(AuthenticationContext, AuthenticateCallback), context is same object as an argument of Authority.refreshToken(AuthenticationContext, AuthenticateCallback)
exception - set one of the following exceptions if authentication is failed. otherwise null. AuthenticationCanceledException is only passed when this callback is called by Authority#authenticate(Context, String, String, String, EnumSet, Set, String, AuthenticateCallback). InvalidTokenException and NoRefreshTokenException are only passed when this callback is called by Authority.refreshToken(AuthenticationContext, AuthenticateCallback). Other exceptions are passed both methods.