Inherits from NSError
Declared in KiiError.h


Find error codes and messages that can be returned by Kii SDK. If error happen, SDK will throw a NSError object that contains code, descriptions and server response informations (if available) in NSError’s userInfo property.

Application Errors (1xx)

  • 101 - The application received invalid credentials and was not initialized
  • 102 - The application was not found on the server. Please ensure your app id and key were entered correctly.
  • 103 - The required operation is failed due to unexpected error. Should not thrown if using latest SDK.

Connectivity and Requests Errors (2xx)

  • 201 - Unable to connect to the internet
  • 202 - Unable to parse server response
  • 203 - Unable to authorize request
  • 204 - Invalid input data, the given parameter and/or data is not valid.

User API Errors (3xx)

  • 301 - Unable to retrieve valid access token
  • 302 - Unable to authenticate user
  • 303 - Unable to retrieve file list
  • 304 - Invalid password format. Password must be 4-50 printable ASCII characters.
  • 305 - Invalid email format. Email must be a valid address
  • 306 - Invalid user object. Please ensure the credentials were entered properly
  • 307 - Invalid username format. The username must be 3-64 alphanumeric characters - the first character must be a letter
  • 308 - Invalid phone format. The phone number must be numeric between 7 and 20 digits, and it can begin with ‘+’
  • 309 - Unable to verify account. Please ensure the verification code provided is correct
  • 310 - Invalid displayname format. The displayname length is 4-50 chars (not byte), and allow Multi-Byte input.
  • 311 - The user’s email was unable to be updated on the server
  • 312 - The user’s phone number was unable to be updated on the server
  • 313 - Invalid format of userIdentifier.
  • 314 - The request could not be made - the key associated with the social network is invalid
  • 315 - Invalid country code.
  • 316 - Invalid local phone format. The phone number numerical and must be at least 7 digits
  • 317 - Invalid credentials, please check whether the credentials associated with social network is valid
  • 318 - Social network account has been already linked.
  • 319 - Social network account is not linked.
  • 320 - Social network authentication was canceled.
  • 321 - Server side login is failed with error. Additional error info is available in userInfo[@“description”] and userInfo[@“server_code”].
  • 322 - Unable to load authentication page. Additional error info is available in userInfo[@“description”].
  • 323 - Unsupported Application structure. Server-side authentication needs rootViewController to be assigned on Application main window.
  • 324 - User not found. The User object that is processed by the request is not available on the cloud.
  • 325 - Group not found. The Group object that is processed by the request is not available on the cloud.
  • 326 - Local phone number requires country code.
  • 327 - Non logged-in user can not use this method.
  • 328 -
  • 329 - Invalid user status, the user should have either verified email or phone number.
  • 330 - Fail to refresh access token;
  • 331 - Valid stored user not found;
  • 332 - ACAccount authentication is not granted by user
  • 333 - ACAccount is not set by user
  • 340 - User is not logged, this operations does not allow anonymous user.
  • 341 - Given PIN Code is invalid.
  • 342 - New Password is required
  • 343 - New Password is same as old one.
  • 344 - Given PIN Code is expired.

File API Errors (4xx)

  • 401 - Unable to delete file from cloud
  • 402 - Unable to upload file to cloud
  • 403 - Unable to retrieve local file for uploading. May not exist, or may be a directory
  • 404 - Unable to shred file. Must be in the trash before it is permanently deleted
  • 405 - Unable to perform operation - a valid container must be set first
  • 406 - Insufficient space in cloud to store data

Core Object Errors (5xx)

  • 501 - Invalid objects passed to method. Must be already saved on server
  • 502 - Unable to parse object. Must be JSON-encodable
  • 503 - Duplicate entry exists
  • 504 - Invalid remote path set for KiiFile. Must be of form: /root/path/subpath
  • 505 - Unable to delete object from cloud
  • 506 - Invalid KiiObject type - the type does not match the regex [A-Za-z]{1}[A-Za-z0-9-_]{4,49}
  • 507 - Unable to set an object as a child of itself
  • 508 - The key of the object being set is being used by the system. Please use a different key
  • 509 - The container you are trying to operate on does not exist
  • 510 - The object you are trying to operate on does not exist on the server
  • 511 - The URI provided is invalid
  • 512 - The object you are saving is older than what is on the server. Use one of the KiiObject#save:forced: methods to forcibly override data on the server
  • 513 - The group name provided is not valid. Ensure it is alphanumeric and more than 0 characters in length
  • 514 - At least one of the ACL entries saved to an object failed. Please note there may also have been one or more successful entries
  • 515 - Bucket parent(user/group) of the bucket does not exist in the cloud.
  • 516 - The object you are trying to operate is illegal state. If you want to update KiiObject, please call [KiiObject refreshSynchronous:] before call this method.
  • 517 - The object body does not exist.
  • 518 - Unable to access file URL. May not exist, or may be a directory.
  • 519 - File URL is not writable.
  • 520 - File URL is not readable.
  • 521 - Invalid expiration date. It must be on the future.
  • 522 - Invalid expiration interval, should be greather than 0.
  • 523 - User has no refresh token
  • 524 - Valid group ID is a string composed of 1 to 100 characters include lower-case letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and ‘.’, ‘-’, ‘_’.
  • 525 - Members must be an array of KiiUser objects.
  • 526 - Same ID group already exists.

Query Errors (6xx)

  • 601 - No more query results exist
  • 602 - Query limit set too high
  • 603 - Query clauses is empty. Make sure “OR” and/or “AND” clauses have at least one correct sub-clauses
  • 604 - Query is not supported.
  • 605 - End of the page, no more results.

Push Notification Errors (7xx)

  • 701 - Push installation error. Installation already exist
  • 702 - Push subscription already exists
  • 703 - Push subscription does not exist
  • 704 - Topic already exists
  • 705 - Topic does not exist
  • 706 - Invalid push message data
  • 707 - APNS field is required
  • 708 - Push data is required
  • 709 - Device token is not set
  • 710 - Push installation does not exist
  • 711 - Topic ID is invalid. Topic ID must be alphanumeric character and between 1-64 length
  • 712 - GCM payload key contains google reserved words
  • 713 - Topic parent(user/group) does not exist in the cloud.

Resumable Transfer Errors (8xx)

  • 801 - Resumable transfer object has already transferred completely
  • 802 - File has been modified during transfer
  • 803 - File path is invalid, can not get the file attribute
  • 804 - File does not exist
  • 805 - File path is a directory
  • 806 - File size is 0 byte
  • 807 - Invalid transfer state, transfer is already suspended
  • 808 - Invalid transfer state, transfer is already terminated
  • 809 - Transfer was suspended
  • 810 - Transfer was terminated
  • 811 - Transfer has already started
  • 812 - Object body integrity not assured. ClientHash must be same during transfer.
  • 813 - Object body range not satisfiable. Transfer has terminated, please start transfer again.
  • 814 - File path is not writable.
  • 815 - Invalid destination file, file range is not assured
  • 816 - Unable to operate transfer manager. The transfer manager can not operate since current user is nil or different from the user who instantiate.

AB Testing Errors (9xx)

  • 901 - Experiment with specified ID is not found.
  • 902 - The experiment is in draft. you need to run experiment before starting A/B testing.
  • 903 - The experiment has been paused.
  • 904 - The experiment has been terminated with no specified variation.
  • 905 - Variation with specified name is not found.
  • 906 - Failed to apply variation due to no user logged in.

Thing Errors (11xx)

  • 1101 - Specified Thing is not found on the cloud.
  • 1102 - Specified Thing owner’s (user/group) is not found on the cloud.
  • 1103 - Thing ownership for the given owner’s (user/group) already exists.
  • 1104 - Thing ownership for the given owner’s (user/group) does not exist.
  • 1105 - Thing already exists.
  • 1106 - Invalid input data for thing’s field.

    Keychain Storage errors (12xx)

  • 1201 - >Unexpected Keychain errors.
  • 1202 - >Failed to unarchived object.
  • 1203 - >Failed to archived object.
  • 1204 - >Keychian item not found.
  • 1205 - >Not allowed to access keychain item.

Class Methods


The experiment is in draft. you need to run experiment before starting A/B testing.

+ (NSInteger)codeExperimentIsInDraft


The experiment is in draft. you need to run experiment before starting A/B testing.

Declared In



Experiment with specified ID is not found.

+ (NSInteger)codeExperimentNotFound


Experiment with specified ID is not found.

Declared In



The experiment has been paused.

+ (NSInteger)codeExperimentPaused


The experiment has been paused.

Declared In



The experiment has been terminated with no specified variation.

+ (NSInteger)codeExperimentTerminatedWithNoVariation


The experiment has been terminated with no specified variation.

Declared In



Failed to apply variation due to no user logged in.

+ (NSInteger)codeFailedToApplyVariationDueToNoUserLoggedIn


Failed to apply variation due to no user logged in.

Declared In



Thing already exists.

+ (NSInteger)codeThingExist


Thing already exists.

Declared In



Invalid input data for thing’s field.

+ (NSInteger)codeThingInvalidData


Invalid input data for thing’s field.

Declared In



Specified Thing is not found on the cloud.

+ (NSInteger)codeThingNotFound


Specified Thing is not found on the cloud.

Declared In



Specified Thing owner’s (user/group) is not found on the cloud.

+ (NSInteger)codeThingOwnerNotFound


Specified Thing owner’s (user/group) is not found on the cloud.

Declared In



Thing ownership for the given owner’s (user/group) already exists.

+ (NSInteger)codeThingOwnershipExist


Thing ownership for the given owner’s (user/group) already exists.

Declared In



Thing ownership for the given owner’s (user/group) does not exist.

+ (NSInteger)codeThingOwnershipNotFound


Thing ownership for the given owner’s (user/group) does not exist.

Declared In



Variation with specified name is not found.

+ (NSInteger)codeVariationNotFound


Variation with specified name is not found.

Declared In
