Updating server code execution environment (2024.12.10)

Thank you for using Kii Cloud.

We are updating our server code execution environment as follows.

Update Schedule

  • Phase 1 (December 12, 2024)
    • A new version v20240715 will be available.
    • This is a stable version of 16 with no functional differences.
  • Phase 2 (Planned on February 1, 2025)
    • The version v20240715 will become the default version.
    • The version 6 will no longer be available.
      • All server code deployed in version 6 will be switched to version v20240715 automatically.
    • The version 16 remains available.

What You Need for the Update

Please test and deploy the new server code in the latest execution environment.

Server code already deployed in version 6 may experience compatibility issues. We recommend you verify that your existing code works properly in the new execution environment before Phase 2. With this update, the process completion of asynchronous execution will be determined strictly. Please be sure to run the callback function when the asynchronous execution is completed, as described in

Read JavaScript Engine for more details.

Thank you for your continuous support of Kii Cloud.