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Represents a KiiUser object


  • KiiUser




  • bucketWithName(bucketName: string): KiiBucket
  • Creates a reference to a bucket for this user

    The bucket will be created/accessed within this user's scope

    let user = . . .; // a KiiUser
    let bucket = user.bucketWithName("myBucket");


    • bucketName: string

      The name of the bucket the user should create/access

    Returns KiiBucket

    A working KiiBucket object

  • changeEmail(newEmail: string): Promise<KiiUser>
  • Change email of logged in user. If the email address verification is required by your app configuration, User's email would not changed to new one until the new email verification has been done. In this case, new mail address can be obtained by KiiUser.getPendingEmailAddress. This API does not refresh the KiiUser automatically. Please execute KiiUser.refresh before checking the value of KiiUser.getEmailAddress or KiiUser.getPendingEmailAddress

    let user = Kii.currentUser();
    user.changeEmail('mynewemail@kii.com').then(theUser => {
    // do something on success
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response


    • newEmail: string

      The new email address to change to

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theUser). theUser is KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is the KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
      • error.message

  • changePhone(newPhoneNumber: string): Promise<KiiUser>
  • Change phone number of logged in user. If the phone number verification is required by your app configuration, User's phone number would not changed to new one until the new phone number verification has been done. In this case, new phone can be obtained by KiiUser.getPendingPhoneNumber. This API does not refresh the KiiUser automatically. Please execute KiiUser.refresh before checking the value of KiiUser.getPhoneNumber or KiiUser.getPendingPhoneNumber.

    let user = Kii.currentUser();
    user.changePhone('+19415551234').then(theUser => {
    // do something on success
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response


    • newPhoneNumber: string

      The new phone number to change to

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theUser). theUser is KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is the KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
      • error.message

  • Delete the user from the server

    let user = Kii.getCurrentUser(); // a KiiUser
    user.delete().then(theDeletedUser => {
    // do something
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theDeletedUser). theDeletedUser is KiiUser instance.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is the KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
      • error.message

  • disabled(): undefined | boolean
  • Return true if the user is disabled, false when enabled and undefined when user is not refreshed. Call KiiUser.refresh prior calling this method to get correct status.

    Returns undefined | boolean

  • Creates a reference to a encrypted bucket for this user

    The bucket will be created/accessed within this user's scope

    let user = . . .; // a KiiUser
    let bucket = user.encryptedBucketWithName("myBucket");


    • bucketName: string

      The name of the bucket the user should create/access

    Returns KiiEncryptedBucket

  • get(key: string): any
  • Gets the value associated with the given key

    let user = . . .; // a KiiUser
    let score = user.get("score");


    • key: string

      The key to retrieve

    Returns any

    The object associated with the key. null or undefined if none exists

  • getAccessToken(): null | string
  • Get the access token for the user - only available if the user is currently logged in

    Returns null | string

    Access token

  • getAccessTokenObject(): any
  • Return the access token and token expire time in a object.

    Key Type Value
    "access_token" String required for accessing KiiCloud
    "expires_at" Date Access token expiration time, null if the user is not login user.

    Returns any

    Access token and token expires in a object.

  • getCountry(): undefined | string
  • Get the country code associated with this user

    Returns undefined | string

  • getCreated(): number
  • Get the server's creation date of this user

    Returns number

  • getDisplayName(): null | string
  • Get the display name associated with this user

    Returns null | string

  • getEmailAddress(): undefined | string
  • Get the email address associated with this user

    Returns undefined | string

  • getEmailVerified(): undefined | boolean
  • Get the status of the user's email verification. This field is assigned by the server

    Returns undefined | boolean

    true if the user's email address has been verified by the user, false otherwise. Could be undefined if haven't obtained value from server or not allowed to see the value. Should be used by current login user to check the email verification status.

  • getID(): null | string
  • Get the ID of the current KiiUser instance.

    Returns null | string

    Id of the user or null if the user has not saved to cloud.

  • getLinkedSocialAccounts(): any
  • Get the social accounts that is linked to this user. Refresh the user by KiiUser.refresh prior call the method. Otherwise, it returns empty object.

    Returns any

    Social network name as key and account info as value.

  • getLocale(): null | string
  • Get the locale associated with this user

    Returns null | string

  • getPendingEmailAddress(): undefined | null | string
  • Get the email of this user that has not been verified. When the user's email has been changed and email verification is required in you app configuration, New email is stored as pending email. After the new email has been verified, the address can be obtained by KiiUser.getEmailAddress

    Returns undefined | null | string

    User's new email address has not been verified. null if no pending email field is included in refresh response or undefined when no refresh operation has been done before.

  • getPendingPhoneNumber(): undefined | null | string
  • Get the phone of this user that has not been verified. When the user's phone has been changed and phone verification is required in you app configuration, New phone is stored as pending phone. After the new phone has been verified, the address can be obtained by KiiUser.getPhoneNumber

    Returns undefined | null | string

    User's new phone number has not been verified. null if no pending phone field is included in refresh response or undefined when no refresh operation has been done before.

  • getPhoneNumber(): undefined | string
  • Get the phone number associated with this user

    Returns undefined | string

  • getPhoneVerified(): undefined | boolean
  • Get the status of the user's phone number verification. This field is assigned by the server

    Returns undefined | boolean

    true if the user's email address has been verified by the user, false otherwise Could be undefined if haven't obtained value from server or not allowed to see the value. Should be used by current login user to check the phone verification status.

  • getUUID(): null | string
  • deprecated

    Use KiiUser.getID instead. Get the ID of the current KiiUser instance.

    Returns null | string

    Id of the user or null if the user has not saved to cloud.

  • getUsername(): undefined | string
  • Get the username of the given user

    Returns undefined | string

    username or undefined

  • isEmailVerified(): undefined | boolean
  • Get the status of the user's email verification. This field is assigned by the server

    Returns undefined | boolean

    true if the user's email address has been verified by the user, false otherwise. Could be undefined if haven't obtained value from server or not allowed to see the value. Should be used by current login user to check the email verification status.

  • isPhoneVerified(): undefined | boolean
  • Get the status of the user's phone number verification. This field is assigned by the server

    Returns undefined | boolean

    true if the user's email address has been verified by the user, false otherwise Could be undefined if haven't obtained value from server or not allowed to see the value. Should be used by current login user to check the phone verification status.

  • isPseudoUser(): boolean
  • Get whether or not the user is pseudo user. If this method is not called for current login user, calling KiiUser.refresh method is necessary to get a correct value.

    Returns boolean

    whether this user is pseudo user or not.

  • listTopics(paginationKey: string): Promise<[KiiTopic[], null | string]>
  • Gets a list of topics in this user scope

    let user = . . .; // a KiiUser
    user.listTopics().then(params => {
    let topicList = params[0];
    let nextPaginationKey = params[1];
    // do something with the result
    for (let i = 0; i < topicList.length; i++) {
    let topic = topicList[i];
    if (nextPaginationKey != null) {
    user.listTopics(null, nextPaginationKey)
    .then(params => {...})
    .catch(error => {...});
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response


    • paginationKey: string

      You can specify the pagination key with the nextPaginationKey passed by callbacks.success. If empty string or no string object is provided, this API regards no paginationKey specified.

    Returns Promise<[KiiTopic[], null | string]>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(params). params is Array instance.
      • params[0] is array of KiiTopic instances.
      • params[1] is string of nextPaginationKey.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is the KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
      • error.message

  • Retrieve a list of groups which the user is a member of

    let user = Kii.currentUser();
    user.memberOfGroups().then(params => {
    // do something with the results
    let theUser = params[0];
    let groupList = params[1];
    for (let i = 0; i < groupList.length; i++) {
    let g = groupList[i]; // a KiiGroup object
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response

    Returns Promise<KiiGroup[]>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(params). params is Array instance.
      • params[0] is the KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
      • params[1] is array of KiiGroup instances.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is the KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
      • error.message

  • objectURI(): null | string
  • Get a specifically formatted string referencing the user

    The user must exist in the cloud (have a valid UUID).

    let user = . . .; // a KiiUser
    let uri = user.objectURI();

    Returns null | string

    A URI string based on the given user. null if a URI couldn't be generated.

  • Retrieve the groups owned by this user. Group in the groupList does not contain all the property of group. To get all the property from cloud, a KiiGroup.refresh is necessary.

    let user = Kii.currentUser();
    user.ownerOfGroups().then(params => {
    // do something with the results
    let theUser = params[0];
    let groupList = params[1];
    for (let i = 0; i < groupList.length; i++) {
    let g = groupList[i]; // a KiiGroup object
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response

    Returns Promise<KiiGroup[]>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(params). params is Array instance.
      • params[0] is the KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
      • params[1] is array of KiiGroup instances.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is the KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
      • error.message

  • putIdentity(identityData: IIdentityData, password: string, userFields?: any, removeFields?: string[]): Promise<KiiUser>
  • Sets credentials data and custom fields to pseudo user.

    This method is exclusive to pseudo user. password is mandatory and needs to provide at least one of login name, email address or phone number.

    let identityData = { "username": "__USER_NAME_" };
    let userFields = { "displayName":"__DISPLAY_NAME","score":12344300 };
    let removeFields = ["age"];
    ).then(user => {
    // do something with the updated user.
    }).catch(error => {
    // check error response.


    • identityData: IIdentityData


    • password: string

      The user's password. Valid pattern is ^[\x20-\x7E]{4,50}$.

    • userFields: any = {}

      Custom Fields to add to the user. This is optional and can be omitted.

    • removeFields: string[] = []

      An array of field names to remove from the user custom fields. Default fields are not removed from server. This is optional and can be omitted.

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(user). user is KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is the KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
      • error.message

  • Updates the local user's data with the user data on the server

    The user must exist on the server. Local data will be overwritten.

    let user = Kii.getCurrentUser(); // a KiiUser
    user.refresh().then(theRefreshedUser => {
    // do something with the refreshed user
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theRefreshedUser). theRefreshedUser is KiiUser instance.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is the KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
      • error.message

  • Registers a user with the server

    The user object must have an associated email/password combination.

    let user = KiiUser.userWithUsername("myusername", "mypassword");
    user.register().then(params => {
    // do something with the authenticated user
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theAuthenticatedUser). theAuthenticatedUser is KiiUser instance.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is a KiiUser instance.
      • error.message

  • resendEmailVerification(): Promise<void>
  • Resend the email verification code to the user

    This method will re-send the email verification to the currently logged in user

    let user = Kii.currentUser();
    user.resendEmailVerification().then(theUser => {
    // do something
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response

    Returns Promise<void>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theUser). theUser is KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is the KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
      • error.message

  • resendPhoneNumberVerification(): Promise<void>
  • Resend the SMS verification code to the user

    This method will re-send the SMS verification to the currently logged in user

    let user = Kii.currentUser();
    user.resendPhoneNumberVerification().then(theUser => {
    // do something
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response

    Returns Promise<void>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theUser). theUser is KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is the KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
      • error.message

  • Saves the latest user values to the server

    If the user does not yet exist, it will NOT be created. Otherwise, the fields that have changed will be updated accordingly.

    let user = Kii.getCurrentUser(); // a KiiUser
    user.save().then(theSavedUser => {
    // do something with the saved user
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theSavedUser). theSavedUser is KiiUser instance.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is the KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
      • error.message

  • set(key: string, value: any): void
  • Sets a key/value pair to a KiiUser

    If the key already exists, its value will be written over. If key is empty or starting with '_', it will do nothing. Accepted types are any JSON-encodable objects.

    let user = . . .; // a KiiUser
    user.set("score", 4298);


    • key: string

      The key to set. The key must not be a system key (created, metadata, modified, type, uuid) or begin with an underscore (_)

    • value: any

      The value to be set. Object must be of a JSON-encodable type (Ex: dictionary, array, string, number, etc)

    Returns void

  • setCountry(value: string): void
  • Set the country code associated with this user


    • value: string

      The country code to set. Must be 2 alphabetic characters. Ex: US, JP, CN

    Returns void

  • setDisplayName(value: string): void
  • Set the display name associated with this user. Cannot be used for logging a user in; is non-unique


    {InvalidDisplayNameException} If the displayName is not a valid format


    • value: string

      Must be between 1-50 alphanumeric characters.

    Returns void

  • setLocale(value: string): void
  • Set the locale associated with this user The locale argument must be BCP 47 language tag. Examples: "en": English "de-AT": German as used in Austria. "zh-Hans-CN": Chinese written in simplified characters as used in China.


    • value: string

      The locale to set.

    Returns void

  • topicWithName(topicName: string): KiiTopic
  • Instantiate topic belongs to this user.


    • topicName: string

      name of the topic. Must be a not empty string.

    Returns KiiTopic

    topic instance.

  • Update user attributes.

    If you want to update identity data of pseudo user, you must use KiiUser.putIdentity instead.

    let identityData = { "username": "__USER_NAME_" };
    let userFields = { "displayName":"__DISPLAY_NAME","score":12344300 };
    let removeFields = ["age"];
    ).then(user => {
    // do something with the updated user.
    }).catch(error => {
    // check error response.


    • identityData: IIdentityData = {}


    • userFields: any = {}

      Custom Fields to add to the user.

    • removeFields: string[] = []

      An array of field names to remove from the user custom fields. Default fields are not removed from server.

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(user). user is KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is a KiiUser instance.
      • error.message

  • updatePassword(fromPassword: string, toPassword: string): Promise<KiiUser>
  • Update a user's password on the server

    Update a user's password with the server. The fromPassword must be equal to the current password associated with the account in order to succeed.

    let user = Kii.currentUser();
    user.updatePassword("oldpassword", "newpassword").then(theUser => {
    // do something
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response


    • fromPassword: string

      The user's current password

    • toPassword: string

      The user's desired password. Must be at least 4 characters, made up of alphanumeric and/or: @,#,$,%,^,&

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theUser). theUser is KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is the KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
      • error.message

  • verifyPhoneNumber(verificationCode: string): Promise<KiiUser>
  • Verify the current user's phone number

    This method is used to verify the phone number of user currently logged in. Verification code is sent from Kii Cloud when new user is registered with phone number or user requested to change their phone number in the application which requires phone verification.
    (You can enable/disable phone verification through the console in developer.kii.com)
    After the verification succeeded, new phone number becomes users phone number and user is able to login with the phone number.
    To get the new phone number, please call KiiUser.refresh and call KiiUser.getPhoneNumber
    Before completion of KiiUser.refresh, KiiUser.getPhoneNumber returns cached phone number. It could be old phone number or undefined.

    let user = Kii.currentUser();
    user.verifyPhoneNumber("012345").then(theUser => {
    // do something
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response


    • verificationCode: string

      The code which verifies the currently logged in user

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theUser). theUser is KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is the KiiUser instance which this method was called on.
      • error.message

  • Authenticates a user with the server.

    If authentication successful, the user is cached inside SDK as current user,and accessible via KiiUser.getCurrentUser. User token and token expiration is also cached and can be get by KiiUser.getAccessTokenObject. Access token won't be expired unless you set it explicitly by Kii.setAccessTokenExpiration.
    If password or userIdentifier is invalid, reject callback of promise will be called.

    KiiUser.authenticate("myusername", "mypassword").then(theAuthenticatedUser => {
    // do something with the authenticated user
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response


    • userIdentifier: string

      The username, validated email address, or validated phone number of the user to authenticate

    • password: string

      The password of the user to authenticate

    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

      KiiApplication instance. When omitted, KiiApplication.globalApp is used.

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theAuthenticatedUser). theAuthenticatedUser is KiiUser instance.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is a KiiUser instance.If given password or userIdentifier is invalid, it will be null.
      • error.message

  • Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server using specified recovery code. This method is non-blocking.

    KiiUser.authenticateWithRecoveryCode(recoveryCode).then(theAuthenticatedUser => {
    // do something with the authenticated user
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response


    • recoveryCode: string

      A valid recovery code

    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theAuthenticatedUser). theAuthenticatedUser is KiiUser instance.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is a KiiUser instance.
      • error.message

  • Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server using specified access token.

    This method is non-blocking.

    Specified expiresAt won't be used by SDK. IF login successful, we set this property so that you can get it later along with token by KiiUser.getAccessTokenObject.
    Also, if successful, the user is cached inside SDK as current user and accessible via KiiUser.getCurrentUser.
    Note that, if not specified, token expiration time is not cached and set to value equivalant to 275760 years.
    If the specified token is expired, authenticataiton will be failed. Authenticate the user again to renew the token.
    If expiresAt is invalid, reject callback of promise will be called.

    // Assume you stored the object get from KiiUser#getAccessTokenObject()
    // and now accessing by 'tokenObject' var.
    let token = tokenObject["access_token"];
    let expiresAt = tokenObject["expires_at"];
    expireDate.setHours(expireDate.getHours() + 24);
    KiiUser.authenticateWithToken(token, null, expiresAt).then(theAuthenticatedUser => {
    // do something with the authenticated user
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response


    • token: string

      A valid access token associated with the desired user

    • Optional expiresAt: Date

      Access token expire time that has received by KiiUser.getAccessTokenObject. This param is optional and can be omitted.

    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

      KiiApplication instance. When omitted, KiiApplication.globalApp is used.

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theAuthenticatedUser). theAuthenticatedUser is KiiUser instance.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is a KiiUser instance.If expiresAt is invalid, it will be null.
      • error.message

  • Asynchronously authenticates a user with the server using specified totp code. This method is non-blocking.

    KiiUser.authenticateWithTotp(totpCode).then(theAuthenticatedUser => {
    // do something with the authenticated user
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response


    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theAuthenticatedUser). theAuthenticatedUser is KiiUser instance.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.target is a KiiUser instance.
      • error.message

  • completeResetPassword(userIdentifier: string, pinCode: string, newPassword: null | string, app?: KiiApplication): Promise<void>
  • Reset password with the PIN code in receipt SMS After KiiUser.resetPasswordWithNotificationMethod is called with "SMS_PIN", SMS includes the PIN code will be sent to the user's phone. User can request the new password for login with the PIN code. Need to call method for authentication after the new password is determined.

    KiiUser.completeResetPassword("john.doe@kii.com", "new-password", "223789").then(() => {
    // Succeeded.
    }).catch(error => {
    // Handle error here.


    • userIdentifier: string

      should be valid email address, global phone number or user identifier obtained by KiiUser.getID.

    • pinCode: string

      Received PIN code.

    • newPassword: null | string

      New password for login. If the 'Password Reset Flow' in app's security setting is set to 'Generate password', it would be ignored and null can be passed. In this case, new password is generated on Kii Cloud and sent to user's phone. Otherwise valid password is required.

    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

      KiiApplication instance. When omitted, KiiApplication.globalApp is used.

    Returns Promise<void>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(). No parameter used.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.message

  • Find registered KiiUser with the email. If there are no user registers with the specified email or if there are but not verified email yet, callbacks.failure or reject callback of promise will be called.


    • If "Expose Full User Data To Others" is enabled in the application console, the response will contain full of the user data.
    • Otherwise, the response will only contain "userID", "loginName" and "displayName" field values if exist.
    KiiUser.findUserByEmail("user_to_find@example.com").then(theMatchedUser => {
    // Do something with the matched user
    }).catch(error => {
    // Do something with the error response


    • email: string

      The email to find KiiUser who owns it.

    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

      KiiApplication instance. When omitted, KiiApplication.globalApp is used. Don't add prefix of "EMAIL:" described in REST API documentation. SDK will take care of it.

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theMatchedUser). theMatchedUser is KiiUser instance.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.message

  • Find registered KiiUser with the phone. If there are no user registers with the specified phone or if there are but not verified phone yet, callbacks.failure or reject callback of promise will be called.


    • If "Expose Full User Data To Others" is enabled in the application console, the response will contain full of the user data.
    • Otherwise, the response will only contain "userID", "loginName" and "displayName" field values if exist.
    KiiUser.findUserByPhone("phone_number_to_find").then(theMatchedUser => {
    // Do something with the matched user
    }).catch(error => {
    // Do something with the error response


    • phone: string

      The phone number to find KiiUser who owns it. Don't add prefix of "PHONE:" described in REST API documentation. SDK will take care of it.

    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

      KiiApplication instance. When omitted, KiiApplication.globalApp is used.

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theMatchedUser). theMatchedUser is KiiUser instance.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.message

  • Find registered KiiUser with the user name. If there are no user registers with the specified user name, callbacks.failure or reject callback of promise will be called.


    • If "Expose Full User Data To Others" is enabled in the application console, the response will contain full of the user data.
    • Otherwise, the response will only contain "userID", "loginName" and "displayName" field values if exist.
    KiiUser.findUserByUsername("user_name_to_find").then(theMatchedUser => {
    // Do something with the matched user
    }).catch(error => {
    // Do something with the error response


    • username: string

      The user name to find KiiUser who owns it. Don't add prefix of "LOGIN_NAME:" described in REST API documentation. SDK will take care of it.

    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

      KiiApplication instance. When omitted, KiiApplication.globalApp is used.

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theMatchedUser). theMatchedUser is KiiUser instance.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.message

  • Checks to see if there is a user authenticated with the SDK

    if(KiiUser.loggedIn()) {
    // do something


    Returns boolean

  • Registers a user as pseudo user with the server

    let userFields = {"displayName":"yourName", "country":"JP", "age":30};
    KiiUser.registerAsPseudoUser(null, userFields).then(theAuthenticatedUser => {
    // do something with the authenticated user
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response


    • userFields: any = {}

      Custom Fields to add to the user. This is optional and can be omitted.

    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

      KiiApplication instance. When omitted, KiiApplication.globalApp is used.

    Returns Promise<KiiUser>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(theAuthenticatedUser). theAuthenticatedUser is KiiUser instance.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.message

  • resetPassword(userIdentifier: string, app?: KiiApplication): Promise<void>
  • Reset a user's password on the server

    Reset a user's password on the server. The user is determined by the specified userIdentifier - which is an email address that has already been associated with an account. Reset instructions will be sent to that identifier. Please Note: This will reset the user's access token, so if they are currently logged in - their session will no longer be valid.

    KiiUser.resetPassword("johndoe@example.com").then(() => {
    // do something
    }).catch(error => {
    // do something with the error response


    Returns Promise<void>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(). No parameter used.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.message

  • Reset the password of user. Reset the password of user specified by given identifier. This api does not execute login after reset password.

    KiiUser.resetPasswordWithNotificationMethod("+819001234567", "SMS").then(() => {
    // Operation succeeded.
    }).catch(error => {
    // Handle error.


    • userIdentifier: string

      should be valid email address, global phone number or user identifier obtained by KiiUser.getID.

    • notificationMethod: NotificationMethod

      specify the destination of message include link of resetting password. must one of "EMAIL", "SMS" or "SMS_PIN".

      • "EMAIL": Send email include link URL to reset password or password. (Contents are depends on 'Password Reset Flow' setting in app's Security settings.)
      • "SMS" : Send SMS include link URL to reset password.
      • "SMS_PIN" : Send SMS include PIN Code for reset password. different type of identifier and destination can be used as long as user have verified email, phone. (ex. User registers both email and phone. Identifier is email and notificationMethod is SMS.)
    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

      KiiApplication instance. When omitted, KiiApplication.globalApp is used.

    Returns Promise<void>

    return promise object.

    • fulfill callback function: function(). No parameter used.
    • reject callback function: function(error). error is an Error instance.
      • error.message

  • userWithCredentials(emailAddress: string, phoneNumber: string, username: string, password: string, app?: KiiApplication): KiiUser
  • Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled

    Creates a pre-filled user object for registration. This user will not be authenticated until the registration method is called on it. It can be treated as any other KiiUser before it is registered.


    {InvalidPhoneNumberException} If the phone number is not in the proper format


    {InvalidEmailException} If the phone number is not in the proper format


    {InvalidUsernameException} If the username is not in the proper format


    {InvalidPasswordException} If the password is not in the proper format

    let user = KiiUser.userWithCredentials("johndoe@example.com", "+874012345678", "johndoe", "mypassword");


    • emailAddress: string

      The user's email address

    • phoneNumber: string

      The user's phone number

    • username: string

      The user's desired username. Must be between 3 and 64 characters, which can include alphanumeric characters as well as underscores '_', dashes '-' and periods '.'

    • password: string

      The user's password. Must be at least 4 characters, made up of alphanumeric and/or: @,#,$,%,^,&

    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

      KiiApplication instance. When omitted, KiiApplication.globalApp is used.

    Returns KiiUser

    a working KiiUser object

  • Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled

    Creates a pre-filled user object for registration. This user will not be authenticated until the registration method is called on it. It can be treated as any other KiiUser before it is registered.


    {InvalidPasswordException} If the password is not in the proper format


    {InvalidEmailException} If the email address is not in the proper format

    let user = KiiUser.userWithEmailAddress("johndoe@example.com", "mypassword");


    • emailAddress: string

      The user's email address

    • password: string

      The user's password. Must be at least 4 characters, made up of alphanumeric and/or: @,#,$,%,^,&

    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

      KiiApplication instance. When omitted, KiiApplication.globalApp is used.

    Returns KiiUser

    a working KiiUser object

  • userWithEmailAddressAndPhoneNumber(emailAddress: string, phoneNumber: string, password: string, app?: KiiApplication): KiiUser
  • Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled

    Creates a pre-filled user object for registration. This user will not be authenticated until the registration method is called on it. It can be treated as any other KiiUser before it is registered.


    {InvalidPhoneNumberException} If the phone number is not in the proper format


    {InvalidPasswordException} If the password is not in the proper format


    {InvalidEmailException} If the phone number is not in the proper format

    let user = KiiUser.userWithEmailAddressAndPhoneNumber("johndoe@example.com", "+874012345678", "mypassword");


    • emailAddress: string

      The user's email address

    • phoneNumber: string

      The user's phone number

    • password: string

      The user's password. Must be at least 4 characters, made up of alphanumeric and/or: @,#,$,%,^,&

    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

      KiiApplication instance. When omitted, KiiApplication.globalApp is used.

    Returns KiiUser

    a working KiiUser object

  • userWithEmailAddressAndUsername(emailAddress: string, username: string, password: string, app?: KiiApplication): KiiUser
  • Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled

    Creates a pre-filled user object for registration. This user will not be authenticated until the registration method is called on it. It can be treated as any other KiiUser before it is registered.


    {InvalidUsernameException} If the username is not in the proper format


    {InvalidPasswordException} If the password is not in the proper format


    {InvalidEmailException} If the phone number is not in the proper format

    let user = KiiUser.userWithEmailAddressAndUsername("johndoe@example.com", "johndoe", "mypassword");


    • emailAddress: string

      The user's email address

    • username: string

      The user's desired username. Must be between 3 and 64 characters, which can include alphanumeric characters as well as underscores '_', dashes '-' and periods '.'

    • password: string

      The user's password. Must be at least 4 characters, made up of alphanumeric and/or: @,#,$,%,^,&

    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

      KiiApplication instance. When omitted, KiiApplication.globalApp is used.

    Returns KiiUser

    a working KiiUser object

  • Instantiate KiiUser that refers to existing user which has specified ID. You have to specify the ID of existing KiiUser. Unlike KiiObject, you can not assign ID in the client side.
    NOTE: This API does not access to the server. After instantiation, call KiiUser.refresh to fetch the properties.


    {InvalidArgumentException} when passed userID is empty or null.

    let user = KiiUser.userWithID("__USER_ID__");


    Returns KiiUser

    instance of KiiUser.

  • Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled

    Creates a pre-filled user object for registration. This user will not be authenticated until the registration method is called on it. It can be treated as any other KiiUser before it is registered.


    {InvalidPasswordException} If the password is not in the proper format


    {InvalidPhoneNumberException} If the phone number is not in the proper format

    let user = KiiUser.userWithPhoneNumber("+874012345678", "mypassword");


    • phoneNumber: string

      The user's phone number

    • password: string

      The user's password. Must be at least 4 characters, made up of alphanumeric and/or: @,#,$,%,^,&

    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

      KiiApplication instance. When omitted, KiiApplication.globalApp is used.

    Returns KiiUser

    a working KiiUser object

  • userWithPhoneNumberAndUsername(phoneNumber: string, username: string, password: string, app?: KiiApplication): KiiUser
  • Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled

    Creates a pre-filled user object for registration. This user will not be authenticated until the registration method is called on it. It can be treated as any other KiiUser before it is registered.


    {InvalidUsernameException} If the username is not in the proper format


    {InvalidPasswordException} If the password is not in the proper format


    {InvalidPhoneNumberException} If the phone number is not in the proper format

    let user = KiiUser.userWithPhoneNumberAndUsername("+874012345678", "johndoe", "mypassword");


    • phoneNumber: string

      The user's phone number

    • username: string

      The user's desired username. Must be between 3 and 64 characters, which can include alphanumeric characters as well as underscores '_', dashes '-' and periods '.'

    • password: string

      The user's password. Must be at least 4 characters, made up of alphanumeric and/or: @,#,$,%,^,&

    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

      KiiApplication instance. When omitted, KiiApplication.globalApp is used.

    Returns KiiUser

    a working KiiUser object

  • Generate a new KiiUser based on a given URI


    {InvalidURIException} If the URI is not in the proper format

    let user = KiiUser.userWithURI("kiicloud://myuri");


    Returns KiiUser

    A new KiiUser with its parameters filled in from the URI

  • Create a user object to prepare for registration with credentials pre-filled

    Creates a pre-filled user object for manipulation. This user will not be authenticated until one of the authentication methods are called on it. It can be treated as any other KiiObject before it is authenticated.


    {InvalidUsernameException} If the username is not in the proper format


    {InvalidPasswordException} If the password is not in the proper format

    let user = KiiUser.userWithUsername("myusername", "mypassword");


    • username: string

      The user's desired username. Must be between 3 and 64 characters, which can include alphanumeric characters as well as underscores '_', dashes '-' and periods '.'

    • password: string

      The user's password. Must be between 4-50 characters, made up of ascii characters excludes control characters.

    • app: KiiApplication = KiiApplication.globalApp

      KiiApplication instance. When omitted, KiiApplication.globalApp is used.

    Returns KiiUser

    a working KiiUser object

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