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Class KiiGeoPoint

Represents Geo Point.
Defined in: KiiSDK.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
KiiGeoPoint.geoPoint(latitude, longitude)
Create a geo point with the given latitude and longitude.
Return the latitide of this point.
Return the longitude of this point.
Class Detail
Method Detail
<static> {KiiGeoPoint} KiiGeoPoint.geoPoint(latitude, longitude)
Create a geo point with the given latitude and longitude.
      var point = KiiGeoPoint.geoPoint(35.07, 139.02);
{Number} latitude
Latitude of the point in degrees. Valid if the value is greater than -90 degrees and less than +90 degrees.
{Number} longitude
Longitude of the point in degrees. Valid if the value is greater than -180 degrees and less than +180 degrees.
Specified latitude or longitude is invalid.
{KiiGeoPoint} A new reference of KiiGeoPoint.

Return the latitide of this point.

Return the longitude of this point.

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