Request Headers (Applies to all methods)
Move the object body.
The administrator can execute this action. For other users, the permission to execute this action is determined by the ACL set on the object. The action requires the read permission.
Content-Type application/vnd.kii.ObjectBodyMoveRequest+json
Set the destination where you want to move the object body
"targetObjectScope": "[ObjectScope]",
"targetObjectID": "[string]",
"targetBucketID": "[string]"
Content-Type (None)
Content-Type application/vnd.kii.UserNotFoundException+json
Name | Type | Description |
errorCode | string | Error code "USER_NOT_FOUND". |
message | string | The error message. |
field | string | The field used for searching the user. This can be the userID or address field. |
value | string | The field value used for searching the user. |
appID | string | The ID of the application. |
Content-Type application/vnd.kii.GroupNotFoundException+json
Name | Type | Description |
errorCode | string | Error code "GROUP_NOT_FOUND". |
message | string | The error message. |
groupID | string | The groupID of the group. |
appID | string | The ID of the application. |
Content-Type application/vnd.kii.ThingNotFoundException+json
Name | Type | Description |
errorCode | string | Error code "THING_NOT_FOUND". |
message | string | The error message. |
field | string | The field used for searching the thing. This can be the "thingID" or "vendorThingID" field. |
value | string | The field value used for searching the thing. |
appID | string | The ID of the application. |
Content-Type application/vnd.kii.ObjectNotFoundException+json
Name | Type | Description |
errorCode | string | Error code "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND". |
message | string | The error message. |
objectScope | ObjectScope | The scope of the object. |
appID | string | The ID of the application. |
userID | string | The ID of the user. Only provided for a user-scope bucket. |
groupID | string | The ID of the group. Only provided for a group-scope bucket. |
thingID | string | The ID of the thing. Only provided for a thing-scope bucket. |
type | string | One of "APP", "APP_AND_USER", "APP_AND_GROUP", or "APP_AND_THING". |
bucketID | string | The ID of the bucket. |
objectID | string | The ID of the object that was not found. |
Content-Type application/vnd.kii.ObjectBodyNotFoundException+json
Name | Type | Description |
errorCode | string | Error code "OBJECT_BODY_NOT_FOUND". |
message | string | The error message. |
objectScope | ObjectScope | The scope of the object. |
appID | string | The ID of the application. |
userID | string | The ID of the user. Only provided for a user-scope bucket. |
groupID | string | The ID of the group. Only provided for a group-scope bucket. |
thingID | string | The ID of the thing. Only provided for a thing-scope bucket. |
type | string | One of "APP", "APP_AND_USER", "APP_AND_GROUP", or "APP_AND_THING". |
bucketID | string | The ID of the bucket. |
objectID | string | The ID of the object that does not have body. |
Content-Type application/vnd.kii.UnauthorizedAccessException+json
Name | Type | Description |
errorCode | string | Error code "UNAUTHORIZED". |
message | string | The error message. |
authenticatedAppID | string | The authenticated appID. |
authenticatedPrincipalID | string | The authenticated principal ID (userID or thingID). |