Getting a Key-value Pair

In order to get a key-value pair from a KiiObject, call the getForKey(_:) method of the KiiObject class. The getForKey(_:) method returns a value as an object of the id type. In Swift, a value can be obtained by downcasting a return value to an expected data type.

Specify the key for the value to get as the argument of the getForKey(_:) method. The value of the key at the first level of the JSON document hierarchy will be obtained.

The following is a sample JSON document and code to get values from the JSON document. The comments in the code show values to be obtained. For sample code that includes a step to get a KiiObject, see Getting a value of a basic data type below.

  "score": 987,
  "premiumUser": false,
  "mode": "easy"


let score = (object.getForKey("score") as! NSNumber).intValue // score=987
let mode = object.getForKey("mode") as! String // mode="easy"
let premiumUser = (object.getForKey("premiumUser") as! NSNumber).boolValue // premiumUser=false


long score = [[object getObjectForKey:@"score"] integerValue]; // score=987
NSString *mode = [object getObjectForKey:@"mode"]; // mode=@"easy"
BOOL premiumUser = [[object getObjectForKey:@"premiumUser"] boolValue]; // premiumUser=NO

In order to get a value of a key at the second or subsequent level, get a value of the uppermost parent key at the first level as a JSON object.

Supported data types

The table below lists the supported data types. The "Obtained value" column contains the values that are obtained by getting the key-value pairs in the "Key-value pair in the JSON format" column with the method calls in the "Method call" column.

Note that the sample code in this topic forcibly downcast a value with as! assuming each key has a value of an expected data type. Otherwise, the mobile app will crash. Consider using as? as needed.


Data type Key-value pair in the JSON format Method call Obtained value
NSString "data":"123" object.getForKey("data") as! String "123"
NSNumber(Int) "data":123 (object.getForKey("data") as! NSNumber).intValue 123
NSNumber(Int64) "data":123 (object.getForKey("data") as! NSNumber).int64Value 123
NSNumber(Double) "data":123.456 (object.getForKey("data") as! NSNumber).doubleValue 123.456
NSNumber(Bool) "data":true (object.getForKey("data") as! NSNumber).boolValue true
KiiGeoPoint "data":{
"_type": "point",
"lat": 35.658603,
"lon": 139.745433
object.getGeoPoint(forKey: "data") GeoPoint (35.658603, 139.745433)
NSArray "data":[1,2,3] object.getForKey("data") as! NSArray [1,2,3]
NSDictionary "data":{"a":"b"} object.getForKey("data") as! NSDictionary {"a":"b"}


Data type Key-value pair in the JSON format Method call Obtained value
NSString "data":"123" [object getObjectForKey:@"data"]; "123"
NSNumber(int) "data":123 [[object getObjectForKey:@"data"] integerValue]; 123
NSNumber(long long) "data":123 [[object getObjectForKey:@"data"] longLongValue]; 123
NSNumber(double) "data":123.456 [[object getObjectForKey:@"data"] doubleValue]; 123.456
NSNumber(BOOL) "data":true [[object getObjectForKey:@"data"] boolValue]; true
KiiGeoPoint "data":{
"_type": "point",
"lat": 35.658603,
"lon": 139.745433
[object getGeoPointForKey:@"data"]; GeoPoint (35.658603, 139.745433)
NSArray "data":[1,2,3] [object getObjectForKey:@"data"] [1,2,3]
NSDictionary "data":{"a":"b"} [object getObjectForKey:@"data"] {"a":"b"}

Unlike the Android SDK, the iOS SDK does not provide a feature to convert a byte array to BASE64. If you need this feature, get the string and then perform the BASE64 decoding in your application.

Getting a value of a basic data type

To get key-value pairs from a KiiObject, use the getForKey(_:) method. To learn more, see the appledoc.

The following sample code illustrates how to get key-value pairs.


  • // Instantiate a KiiObject.
    let object = KiiObject(uri: uri)!
    do {
      // Refresh the KiiObject to retrieve the latest data from Kii Cloud.
      try object.refreshSynchronous()
      // Get key-value pairs.
      let stringData = object!.getForKey("stringValue") as! String
      let intData = (object!.getForKey("intValue") as! NSNumber).intValue
      let longData = (object!.getForKey("longValue") as! NSNumber).int64Value
      let doubleData = (object!.getForKey("doubleValue") as! NSNumber).doubleValue
      let booleanData = (object!.getForKey("booleanValue") as! NSNumber).boolValue
    } catch let error as NSError {
      // Handle the error.
  • // Instantiate a KiiObject.
    let object = KiiObject(uri: uri)!
    // Refresh the KiiObject to retrieve the latest data from Kii Cloud.
    object.refresh { (object : KiiObject?, error : Error?) -> Void in
      if error != nil {
        // Handle the error.
      // Get key-value pairs.
      let stringData = object!.getForKey("stringValue") as! String
      let intData = (object!.getForKey("intValue") as! NSNumber).intValue
      let longData = (object!.getForKey("longValue") as! NSNumber).int64Value
      let doubleData = (object!.getForKey("doubleValue") as! NSNumber).doubleValue
      let booleanData = (object!.getForKey("booleanValue") as! NSNumber).boolValue


  • NSError *error = nil;
    // Instantiate a KiiObject.
    KiiObject *object = [KiiObject objectWithURI:uri];
    // Refresh the KiiObject to retrieve the latest data from Kii Cloud.
    [object refreshSynchronous:&error];
    if (error != nil) {
      // Handle the error.
    // Get key-value pairs.
    NSString *stringData = [object getObjectForKey:@"stringValue"];
    long intData = [[object getObjectForKey:@"intValue"] integerValue];
    long long longData = [[object getObjectForKey:@"longValue"] longLongValue];
    double doubleData = [[object getObjectForKey:@"doubleValue"] doubleValue];
    BOOL booleanData = [[object getObjectForKey:@"booleanValue"] boolValue];
  • NSError *error = nil;
    // Instantiate a KiiObject.
    KiiObject *object = [KiiObject objectWithURI:uri];
    // Refresh the KiiObject to retrieve the latest data from Kii Cloud.
    [object refreshWithBlock:^(KiiObject *object, NSError *error) {
      if (error != nil) {
        // Handle the error.
      // Get key-value pairs.
      NSString *stringData = [object getObjectForKey:@"stringValue"];
      long intData = [[object getObjectForKey:@"intValue"] integerValue];
      long long longData = [[object getObjectForKey:@"longValue"] longLongValue];
      double doubleData = [[object getObjectForKey:@"doubleValue"] doubleValue];
      BOOL booleanData = [[object getObjectForKey:@"booleanValue"] boolValue];

Make sure to call the refresh(_:) method after instantiating a KiiObject, or your local KiiObject will not be updated with the latest key-value pairs.

Getting a list of keys

To get a list of all key-value pairs set on a KiiObject, use the dictionaryValue() method to get and convert the list to an NSDictionary as shown in the following example:


  • // Instantiate a KiiObject.
    let object = bucket.createObject(withID: "_ID_OF_THE_OBJECT_")
      // Refresh the KiiObject to retrieve the latest data from Kii Cloud.
      try object.refreshSynchronous()
    } catch let error as NSError {
      // Handle the error.
    // Convert key-value pairs to Dictionary.
    let dictionary = object.dictionaryValue()
    for (key,value) in dictionary {
      // Do something with each key.
  • // Instantiate a KiiObject.
    let object = bucket.createObject(withID: "_ID_OF_THE_OBJECT_")
    // Refresh the KiiObject to retrieve the latest data from Kii Cloud.
    object.refresh { (object : KiiObject?, error : Error?) -> Void in
      if error != nil {
        // Handle the error.
      // Convert key-value pairs to Dictionary.
      let dictionary = object!.dictionaryValue()
      for (key,value) in dictionary {
        // Do something with each key.


  • NSError *error = nil;
    KiiObject *object = nil;
    @try {
      // Instantiate a KiiObject.
      object = [bucket createObjectWithID:@"_ID_OF_THE_OBJECT_"];
    @catch (NSException *exp) {
      // The KiiObject ID is invalid.
    // Refresh the KiiObject to retrieve the latest data from Kii Cloud.
    [object refreshSynchronous:&error];
    if (error != nil) {
      // Handle the error.
    // Convert key-value pairs to NSDictionary.
    NSDictionary* dictionary = [object dictionaryValue];
    for (NSString* key in [dictionary keyEnumerator]) {
      // Do something with each key.
  • KiiObject *object = nil;
    @try {
      // Instantiate a KiiObject.
      object = [bucket createObjectWithID:@"_ID_OF_THE_OBJECT_"];
    @catch (NSException *exp) {
      // The KiiObject ID is invalid.
    // Refresh the KiiObject to retrieve the latest data from Kii Cloud.
    [object refreshWithBlock:^(KiiObject *object, NSError *error) {
      if (error != nil) {
        // Handle the error.
      // Convert key-value pairs to NSDictionary.
      NSDictionary* dictionary = [object dictionaryValue];
      for (NSString* key in [dictionary keyEnumerator]) {
        // Do something with each key.

The dictionaryValue() method converts key-value pairs of both custom and predefined keys into an NSDictionary. For more information about the predefined keys, see Predefined Keys.

Getting an empty field

You will get a different value when a specified key does not exist and when a specified key has a null value.

Suppose that you are trying to get key-value pairs from the JSON document below.

  "key1": null,
  "key2": ""

Here are the results you will get:

  • Executing [json getObjectForKey:@"key1"] will return a NSNull.
  • Executing [json getObjectForKey:@"key2"] will return a NSString that represents an empty string.
  • Executing [json getObjectForKey:@"key3"] will return a nil.

For the details on the data type conversion, see Data Conversion in the SDK.

Getting the created and modified time

Kii Cloud automatically sets the created and modified time of a KiiObject. You can get them from the KiiObject's created and modified properties, respectively.

The times are in UNIX time (msec, UTC).

Getting a geolocation

To get a geolocation from a KiiObject, call the getGeoPoint(forKey_:) method to get a KiiGeoPoint object. Then, get the latitude and longitude from the latitude and longitude properties, respectively.


// Get GeoPoints from the "location1" and "location2" keys.
let gp1 = object!.getGeoPoint(forKey: "location1")!
let gp2 = object!.getGeoPoint(forKey: "location2")!

// Get the latitude and longitude data.
let latitude1 = gp1.latitude
let longitude1 = gp1.longitude
let latitude2 = gp2.latitude
let longitude2 = gp2.longitude


// Get GeoPoints from the "location1" and "location2" keys.
KiiGeoPoint *gp1 = [object getGeoPointForKey:@"location1"];
KiiGeoPoint *gp2 = [object getGeoPointForKey:@"location2"];

// Get the latitude and longitude data.
double latitude1 = [gp1 latitude];
double longitude1 = [gp1 longitude];
double latitude2 = [gp2 latitude];
double longitude2 = [gp2 longitude];

Getting complex data

To get a JSON object and an array of JSON objects from a KiiObject, cast them to the corresponding data type.

Here is the sample code for getting the data that are set by the sample code presented in Setting complex data.


// Get a value of a JSON object.
let jsonObject = object!.getForKey("myJsonObject") as! NSDictionary

// Get a value of a JSON array.
let jsonArray = object!.getForKey("myJsonArray") as! NSArray
let jsonObject1 = jsonArray.object(at: 0)
let jsonObject2 = jsonArray.object(at: 1)


// Get a value of a JSON object.
NSDictionary* jsonObject = [object getObjectForKey:@"myJsonObject"];

// Get a value of a JSON array.
NSArray* jsonArray = [object getObjectForKey:@"myJsonArray"];
NSDictionary* jsonObject1 = [jsonArray objectAtIndex:0];
NSDictionary* jsonObject2 = [jsonArray objectAtIndex:1];