Tracking Details and How to Opt-out

All actions you've made on the developer portal will be tracked. The tracking is enabled by default. If you wish to disable the tracking, you can opt-out the feature.

Tracking details

All activities made on the developer portal after logging-in will be collected using the User ID feature of Google Analytics.

The collected information will be sent to Google Analytics together with a User ID. The User ID is a random string that the developer portal assigns for each user. It does not contain any personally identifiable information (e.g., name and email address) or data that permanently identifies a particular device (e.g., fixed unique device identifier).

Tracking purpose

Kii uses the tracked information for monitoring the developer portal usage and for analyzing the activities for future user experience improvement. Kii does not use the information for other purposes.

How to opt-out

If you want to disable the tracking, you can opt-out the feature by one of the following ways:

Using Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on

You can opt-out the tracking by installing the Google Analytics opt-out add-on on your browser.

Please read the online document by Google for more information on the opt-out add-on and how to install it.

Using Opt-out Feature on Developer Portal

You can opt-out the tracking on the developer portal.

First, click the developer icon on the upper right corner and select "Profile".

This will bring up your profile. Now, click the gear icon at the upper right corner.

The profile edit screen will show up. The tracking is enabled if the checkbox "GOOGLE ANALYTICS" is turned on.

To disable the tracking, turn the checkbox off and click the "Save" button.