Hello Kii for iOS

Hello Kii for iOS contains a sample project to develop with Xcode. Install Xcode so that you can build and run a mobile app.

Swift and Objective-C

The Kii Cloud SDK for iOS provides APIs with the same functionality in Swift and Objective-C. The iOS Programming Guide describes how to use the SDK in both Swift and Objective-C.

The two languages are available for the Kii Cloud SDK for iOS. However, the Thing-IF SDK for iOS, which is the SDK for IoT, assumes use of Swift. Implementation, sample code development, and testing have been done in Swift.

You can select and download the Objective-C and Swift 3.0 versions of Hello Kii. This tutorial explains those versions of the sample code. See the steps in the tutorial for downloading the sample code.


The purpose of the Hello Kii application is to give you a quick understanding of how to leverage Kii Cloud. Therefore, Hello Kii has several limitations to avoid complexity in implementation. This tutorial guides you those limitations and workarounds.


The tutorial covers the following contents: