Auto Execution with Triggers

By using the trigger feature, you can automatically execute a command or server code when a predefined execution condition is met. The server code feature is described in Server Extension in the section of the mobile features.

You can automatically execute a command and server code with the following conditions:

  • When a scheduled time arrives

    You can automatically execute a command when a scheduled time arrives. Specify a one-time or recurring schedule.

    For example, you can register a trigger to send a command to turn off the air conditioner "at 11:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday".

  • When a state condition is met

    You can automatically execute a command or server code when a state of the thing satisfies the condition to fire the trigger.

    For example, you can register a trigger to send a command to turn on the air conditioner with the preset temperature and fan speed set to 25 degrees and 5, respectively, "when the room temperature goes over 30 degrees".

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See Auto Execution with Triggers for more information about the trigger.