Programming Guides
The guides in this section explain how to implement each SDK by functional units with small pieces of sample code.
For the detailed information about the APIs, see References.
This section includes the following guides:
Kii Cloud SDK Programming Guides
Use this guide when you implement mobile apps.
The section explains the specification of features in details, together with sample codes for leveraging the features.
Thing-IF SDK v2 Development Guides
Use this guide when you implement IoT solutions.
See Thing-IF SDK in the programming guides for the overview and background of the sample codes covered in this section.
You need to incorporate the Kii Cloud SDK to implement some Thing-IF functions. This guide also explains how to achieve this task.
Server Extension Programming Guide
This guide includes topics for both mobile apps and IoT solutions. Use this guide when you develop the server-side processing.
This guide explains how to use the command line tools for browsing the log and deploying the server code.
This guide explains how to use the developer portal.